Moms Protest Discrimination in Custody Cases & Demand a Just System!
WHAT: Protest of Chief Justice getting award & a speak out
WHEN: Thursday May 19th; 11am to 2pm
WHERE: Millennium Biltmore Hotel: 506 S Grand Ave.
On May 19th, Chief Justice Tani Sakauye will be receiving a “Pursuit of Justice” award from the California Women’s Law Center during a luncheon banquet.
The problem is: Sakauye has not pursued justice for women in what is arguably the most important aspect of their lives: custody and well-being of their children after divorce or separation. She has been aware for at least a decade that mothers are being systematically and methodically deprived of custody and unable to protect their children in Family Court.
The California Judicial Council, which Sakauye heads, commissioned a report in which a central finding is that Family Court is discriminating against women. It confirms that judges routinely deem women “not credible”, i.e. liars and mentally ill—age-old patriarchal tropes conferred on women who dare challenge male authority.
Family law is an area in which gender bias is rampant.
California Judicial Council report
It is the responsibility of the Chief Justice to ensure the impartial administration of justice. Sakauye has failed to do that for mothers and, hence, does not deserve an award for pursuing justice for women.
The CA Judicial Council and Sakauye, in her role as Chief Justice, are two of the defendants in The Women’s Coalition $500M Discrimination Class-Action lawsuit.
The class-action complains there is a pattern and practice of judges switching custody from good mothers to abusive fathers, often resulting in little or no contact with their children. This is a grave violation of women’s civil and human rights, as well as a denial of their specific right to a jury trial.
Notice of the lawsuit will be given to the Chief Justice on the day of the protest. There are already hundreds of members to the lawsuit and all are strongly encouraged to attend. If you’d like to become a member, please fill out a form.
Damon Dumas (previously Moelter), Communications Director for The Women’s Coalition, wrote a letter to Tani begging for help at 16 years-old, when he was stuck, depressed, in hiding from his abusive father.
Dear Tani…My father was sexually abusing me and when I reported it, Family Court…forced me to live with him…I was sent into coercive “reunification” therapy where a psychologist tried to convince my brothers and me that I was never abused. It would be helpful if you would write a letter…Then they might let me come back to my life.
Tani did not help Damon, nor did she support the prosecution of his father, nor has she done anything to help victims of paternal abuse as he requested, nor helped mothers keep custody or protect their children.
Damon will be at the protest helping to hold Tani accountable and speaking out for the child victims of Family court. Anyone victimized as a child is welcome to attend.
Moms are demanding justice in custody cases and the way to achieve it is by implementing a new system.
Reforms and new legislation within the Family Court system have not, will not, and cannot help, since the system itself was designed to discriminate. Judges have near-absolute power to ignore evidence, deem women liars, switch custody, and allow fathers to keep children away from mothers. No DV or child safety law will prevent that.
No judge should have the power to call women liars and take their children. Women must demand a system that provides due process, equal protection and a jury of their peers doing the fact-finding.
The Child Custody Act codifies a new system which provides for: the right to a jury trial, the prohibition of court-appointed (i.e. biased) professionals, proper investigations of abuse, children given a voice, and other due process protections.
There will be short and long-sleeve t-shirts available at the protest. You might want to wear a light tank so you can put the t-shirt over it. Dark jeans or pants recommended.
Posters should reflect the goals of the protest: to hold the Chief Justice accountable, to raise awareness about the systemic discrimination in Family Court, to express outrage at children being taken from mothers and/or abused, and the demand for a new system. [Extra posters will be available if you cannot make your own.]
Media has been alerted, so have a very brief account of your case ready if you want to talk to them. Focus on how you reported abuse by your ex, how your judge ignored evidence and gave your abusive ex custody, and how negatively it impacted your and your children’s lives. Also, you can mention you are a member of the lawsuit and are hoping it will make a difference in your case and in ending the custody crisis.
After the protest, mothers can be filmed talking about their case, so have a 5 minute version ready if you want to do that. You’ll be given a copy of the video and you can use it to show your children how hard you fought for them.
RSVP at so you can receive info about the protest and updates.
NOTE: The California protest brings awareness to mothers everywhere who are unable to maintain custody or protect their children, so please support California mothers by commenting and sharing. We’ll be doing protests in other states and countries too.
Donations to The Women’s Coalition of any amount are greatly appreciated!
How do I sign up to receive communications regarding any issues or protests that are held in at the Atlanta Georgia area? My voice, every voice from all around this nation must be heard!
IS anybody going from the SAN FRANCISCO/BAY AREA? Please Calll ANN:
415 678 7820 THX!