"Women’s Coalition News & Views" Launches 12/12/21
Exposing, Explaining, and Ending the Custody Crisis
Welcome to “Women’s Coalition News & Views” where columns about the Custody Crisis will be published regularly.
The Custody Crisis is the international epidemic of Family Court judges switching custody from loving mothers to self-serving and abusive fathers.
As a subscriber, you will receive columns directly to your inbox. [Check updates, promotions, and spam.] You can also view them at our Substack site anytime.
Subscriptions Are Free; Paid Subscriptions Appreciated!
You were automatically subscribed to News & Views for free if you have joined The Women’s Coalition. Otherwise, click the Subscribe button below and choose “Free”.
Please consider a paid subscription as a way of supporting the Coalition’s efforts to expose, explain and end the Crisis for just $5/month, $50/year, or become a founding member for $200. [You may also make contributions via PayPal]
Exclusively Custody Crisis Content
News & Views columns exclusively address the Custody Crisis, so you won’t be bothered with extraneous emails. And you will be getting the Coalition’s unique perspective on the Custody Crisis that you won’t get anywhere else.
Subscribers will hear about activism opportunities—rallies, protests, court support, contests, get togethers, polls, local coalitions, etc. (when covid is under control).
If you’d like to join your Local Coalition, please fill out this form: https://bit.ly/JoinCoalitionForm
Comment & Connect
News & Views also serves as a platform for your voice to be heard and to connect with other women who are or have been in custody battles. You can comment directly on Columns and share them with family and friends.
There will be links to Facebook and Twitter posts where you can also comment, share, like or react.
Thank you for subscribing and being part of our important cause!
Cindy Dumas
Founder & Executive Director of The Women’s Coalition
About The Women’s Coalition
The Women’s Coalition’s mission is to expose, explain and end the Custody Crisis.
The Coalition is uniting women as a class in order to have the power necessary to demand and implement a new system in which judges cannot take custody from us and we have the power to protect our children.
About the Custody Crisis
Power concedes nothing without a demand.
It never has and never will.
Frederick Douglass, Abolitionist