Apr 22Liked by Womens Coalition International

There is nothing dangerous or “vile” enough for the courts to remove fathers from the picture. It simply becomes a fake rehabilitation process with a racketeering ring until the mother is broke and the children are delivered to a dangerous lunatic on a silver platter.

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22Liked by Womens Coalition International

Not since the 1990’s outside of NYC has there been a mother who has been able to send a family court judge to jail for corruption - she used a hidden camera and wire- detectives sent her into corrupt family attorneys and planted a bug- its on dateline or something similar- the imagery / video captured blatant cash exchanging hands. Since then, FBI and detectives stopped going after any “family court judges” and wont allow undercovers to catch them. Corrupt abuse of power to help friend family attorneys cases has therefore grown out of criminal oversight complicancy. Therefore, I would say this is a very small step. To catch a criminal disguised as a fair judge, these court watchers wpuld be best served wearing a wire at the local water holes judges hang out at.

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Apr 22Liked by Womens Coalition International

Family court judges and these despicable false report writers need their turn in the spotlight. Their crimes to enable sexually abusive fathers and silence, torture, and exploit mothers and victims of abuse will surpass the crimes and child sex abuse scandals of the Catholic Church, Boy Scouts of America, USA Gymnastics, and Hollywood by orders of magnitude. They must be exposed.

Women deserve civil proceedings and juries of their peers. Women are not safe and are not able to protect their children from abuse in this genocidal system. Abuse victims churn around in the family court getting “treated and managed” until children turn 18.

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Apr 22Liked by Womens Coalition International

Family court judges need to be observed. Reporters watching their actions may influence their decisions. Family court judges are master manipulators. They will find ways to continue enforcing systemic male entitlement. They'll keep abusing their power. Hopefully, good reporters will recognize this and expose their actions. Reporters may uncover and publicize the need for a new system. Shining a light in family court may help end it.

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Apr 22Liked by Womens Coalition International

This is such an important step in the right direction!!! ❤️🙌

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