I hope Governor Hochul helps Bradley. He is suffering the tragic loss of his mother. This six-year-old has lived in New York for most of his life. Staying with his loving and protective mother was in his best interests. Now, staying with his loving, protective and familiar aunt is in his best interests. Returning Bradley to his abusive father is dangerous.

Family court judges violate the rights of women and children. Bradley was ordered to live with his father in Italy. He was born in Italy. The courts call it his habitual residence. Kelly Rutherford's children were ordered to live with their father in Monaco. Her children were born in the United States. This is their habitual residence. Male entitlement is maintained in family court.

Family court judges are empowered to give child custody to fathers. These judges have no accountability. Juries need to decide custody.

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This governor is being asked about Nikki Addimondo release from prison after her partner abused her she defended and saved herself. Court reform needs to be done to abolish patriarchal and good ol boys immediately.

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