Best article: It's about systemic discrimination against women.

One expert Dr Williams, who writes under the banner 'Custody Peace' recently wrote re Family Court globally, "we are witnessing the biggest State-sanctioned abuse of our times."

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I knew exactly what was happening, no rabbit hole necessary. The judge specifically acknowledged the fathers violence and abuse and gave him custody anyway. Then took custody away from me after he deliberately breached court orders several times over and I haven’t seen my child in 7 years. She’s not a child anymore. There was no evidence of anything against me, no addictions or mental illness and he had significant evidence of violence against him. The courts know it, Family Court actively encourages harm and abuse toward women and children. But what does knowing this do? There’s no way out. These corrupt Magistrates are in charge and they are facilitating violence.

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Excellent article articulating the problem.

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messed up : too true. what can we do ?? i’m in xx

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What I found incredibly poignant about this article was the drive to unite women in our fight against patriarchy...and that's what this is. It is a real war, and one that has been going on for centuries. The question is, how will we fight back armored with intelligent, and congruent feedback to these systems?

We have all the information we need...let's get a sense of direction through this forum, or, create our own. Let's start providing reports across counties and the states we reside in that tell the stories of ANBER ALERTS the states have used this method against mothers fleeing with their children.

I did a minor search of amber alerts in my state and what is shown are ridiculous, isolated instances of ONE troubled woman. In the past 6 months there were 4. This is on purpose and by design. Where are those precious mothers now?

A couple of years ago the Women's Coalition set out on a mighty, and worthwhile endeavor which asked those of us who could, to march on the family courts, including inside, letting them know we were watching them. Then, covid hit.

My suggestion is that we align now!!!! Perhaps in another way. Let's gather the FACTS in our own corner of the map, and let's start sharing what we learned, not only with each other, but network with other women across the states.

Can the Women's Coalition help us to navigate and proceed with that information on one page? I think that would be ideal.

Can the woman's coalition help us to know how to break through the glass ceiling, how to request these types of reports (amber alerts), and then on to the next step? Is there other information the womens coalituon can provide pertaining next steps?

With Love to all you mammas,


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Sperm Sources = the conscienceless sociopaths ( " next door " )

who seek ( not only the child support $ but also ) M O S T LY ... ...

THEIR VENGEANCE against that cuntly but fuckable woman who

does NOT have, NOR publicly display, ... ... awe for him anymore.

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Exalting a(ny) spermatozoan - source, in re the kiddos,

n e v e r does their protecting, primary parent ... ... make:


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This is some of your best, amazing work. Thank you.

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I think we should put and enforce strict caps on the amounts to be charged by state and legal counsel and use one lawyer for both parents and always best interest of the child. The mother is medically tied to the child and there is absolutely no sense that fathers are gaining custody over mothers just to have children abused sexually, physically and mentally.

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Necessary knowledge ... ... cuz far, far too many women remain in denial and consistently refuse, even, to acknowledge that sexism not only is rampant but also ... ... that it even " still " exists.

IT = SEXISM = W H Y, Women, we lose custody of our own bodies' babes. Yeah = y2022. IN the 21st Century. Please, please wake the muck up. And just ... ... GET it. Finally.

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I am saying this again… rethink child support! When unfit fathers gain custody through a corrupt court system, their number one priority is to gain child support. But if new laws are passed that state the higher earner (which is usually the father) does NOT get child support, then these unfit dads will suddenly STOP taking custody of their kids! For these dads… it’s ALL ABOUT THE MONEY! If and when these dads no longer get child support, then they will stop this madness!

(Note) Laws must be explicit and not vague to include factors that prevent higher earners from quitting their jobs or taking a lower income position just to qualify for child support.

I just think there are other ways for child support to work! Why not draw it from social security benefits or allow child support to only be applied under certain conditions. But to just say ANYONE who is NOT the conservator automatically pays a set percentage of their income to the other parent is just wrong!! Mothers should NOT HAVE TO PAY CS TO THESE DADS!

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I've been educating to victims since 2018. During that time, the judicial board only mandated DV training to 14 judges inside the United States. Today, that number has jumped to 24 judges mandated in DV training inside the United States. I am appalled at the fact only 24 judges are mandated! These judges are ruling on cases where DV victims, rape, confinement, emotional, mental, and psychological abuse is taking place to woman and innocent children inside the courtroom and outside the courtroom is taking place. Including horrible parental alienation! Without the proper mandatory training, these judges should not be allowed to hear these cases! This is an outcry for a March to mandate these judges be trained. How many more innocent women and children have to suffer lifelong trauma due to a judge who has ruled on these cases without ZERO training! These abusers are filing in court and continue to file fraudulent contempt charges all to paint the victim in a bad light to the judge. Let's not even mention the financial abuse! Forcing a victim into court, where the abuser enjoys the spotlight. These abusers do not care about their own children, and set up to harm, abuse, and alienate the victim from their own child. This is child abuse! Some of these children, never recover! Some of these children are murdered by their own abuser, the parent. Meanwhile, the victims rights to speak up, obtain protection orders, and no contact orders to spare their own children from harm are ignored by these same judges. This is criminal injustice!

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i am learning the law of i- if we create our own courts- this cuts out the judges and we take this back to the natural law- its the natural of what mankind set up to create remedy- we need to take back out power face our fears, heal from the trauma and put a stop to this. I am willing to create my court and record it and share it- i need help though as i am shit with tech. there needs to be a civil claim seen to work to show that we women dont need to apply to the corrupt family court- but we take those of man kind to a trial by jury and wipe there asses . we can do this.

im just starting up my claim and i will do this, if any one interested or this resonates i suggest you study the Law of i- the sovereigns way- we basically take back our courts- xxx

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I keep reaching out no response

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I lost custody when I was still in active duty in the Navy back in 2004. My daughter is now 19, she believed every lie that her father told her about me and I haven't been able to talk the her since last year April 2021.

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Professional help for every step of the way is necessary to fight these strategic Industrial manipulations. RICO or go home! Class action for Abuses! Free Paralegal training or guidance or it’s just a circle of warm thoughts & wishes. My children are being damaged & Im strong enough to live separately but not take on a monster like Court. Please send me help!

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This is absolutely true. As a FCA veteran of 9 years, I have struggled so hard with trying to understand why everything you do is wrong, and can and will be used against you-but when he does it, it’s fine. I have not been able to understand how they don’t see what is right under their noses. The only possible answer is that they don’t want to and in fact refuse to. But if education and laws are not the answer (and they’re clearly not), what is? How do we change the overwhelming prejudice against mothers, and the enabling of abusers?

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