Going to turn it in with testimony to the legislature. . . . not sure how much good it will do.

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OK - also - very guilty of that thinking. . . .

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Judge Paula Kurshner gave my 15 year old daughter to her dad Eric Vielmetti& my ex boyfriend Austin Straub to abuse. Portland, Oregon has a huge gang & sex traffic problem, and I lost my daughter to parental alienation almost 8 years ago, she said I can’t try to help her because they make it “worse on her”, I vent too much because I feel helpless (because I am), unless I want to spend life in jail, and at this point, I actually do, Kurshner has kept a contempt warrant on me all of the years (she is 22) and I’ve never done a crime or drug or anything illegal & I don’t owe anyone $, but apparently the gangs run portland unfortunately

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Judge from California took custody away from me and gave it to my exs mother who is just as bad as he is because I got out of town and took my child to protect her from his abuse I have a restraining order on him and they took her from me

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Thanks for this clarification, Cindy. I too have gone the gamut of reasons behind the crisis and most recently thought it due to father's disordered personalities, as my ex was diagnosed. I appreciate you affirming that many probably are but we must still dig deeper; hence your identification of the root cause. Great article. Suzy...

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This is ALL interesting but is the Women's Coalition funded in part or whole by the Division Of Health and Human Services, through Dept. Of Social Services, THE Children's Bureau or the Administration for Families and Children ( or vice versa) or the Casey Foundation AS it would Seemingly appear that if in fact you ARE that progress against these unjust systematic abuses initiated by INCENTIVES, would be like shooting oneself in the foot if indeed one who does receive funding would be doing if they're going against the GRAIN so to speak AND ALSO WHY so MANY SO called agencies who've touted about such claims HAVEN'T ACTUALLY ACCOMPLISHED A THING but merely APPEAR as so but in all actuality are FIELDING complaints and sending them up the chain of command so that they are able to THEN ACT ACCORDINGLY in order to Stave off the public AND ANY FEDERALS ABOVE THEM whether it be in NEW CAMPAIGNS on T.V. or social media claiming that They're TACKLING THE PROBLEM HEAD ON when in fact they're merely only APPEASING and SOOTHING/SILENCING THE MASSES who would become concerned and that Time and Time Again I've seen this Trickery done and sad thing is that it WORKS but That these incidents and corrupt intermingled DO Gooders Aren't FIXING a THING and that MANY INDEPENDENT ADVOCATES have assimilated and compiled data and Dates, Incidences AND the ORGANIZATIONS that supposedly were there to CALL INTO QUESTION and Point out BAD Behaviors and Injustices BUT HAVE NO TRACK RECORD in ACTUALLY ACCOMPLISHING ANYTHING and That your coalition is indeed one that people are questioning in whether or not you hold any clout whatsoever or are just a spokesperson touting claims of which you've actually NO AUTHORITY in resolving and if not?? NOW would be your opportunity to say otherwise and be transparent!.

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The Women's Coalition is a nonprofit organization. It is linked to in this article and you can get answers to your concerns there.

Here it is again: https://www.womenscoalitioninternational.org/

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