Aug 21, 2022Liked by Womens Coalition International

This ? This is THE MOST ACCURATE ANALYSIS of W H Y mothers such as myself L O S E CUSTODY.

= P A T R I A R C H Y ... ... WORLDWIDE.

Dr Millett's p33 in her Sexual Politics: " The C H I E F Institution of the Patriarchy IS ... ... The Family. "

" Family " " l a w " judges Worldwide EXIST inside their actual JOBS ... ... JUST TO KEEP IN PLACE

... .... the PATRIARCHY.

Please, Please, Losing Mothers, GET T H I S in to your BRAINS. K N O W THIS.

NO amount of $ anywhere. NO amount of praying to ( nonexistent but ) O SO PATRIARCHAL gods. NO amount of " fairness " or your sweet " impartiality " in your language ( " parent " when the abuser is THE sperm sourced - daddee and ALL of his enablers and their K N O W I N G that he is your and the children's actual violent " parent " written or spoken about ) WILL STOP Us Protecting Mamas from LOSING.


IF HE WANTS i) to stop paying YOU $upport$ for the kiddos and AS, OR MORE, LIKELY, ii) to PUNISH you and EXACT HIS VENGEANCE / REVENGE UPON YOU, THEN ... ... HE GETS Y O U R children.

T H A T is the actual JOB of " family " " law " judges.


JOIN the Women's Coalition. TO WORK FOR ... ... J U R I E S ... ... to decide custody.

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Aug 22, 2022Liked by Womens Coalition International

Thank u! This is spot on & a thorough analysis of the misunderstandings of why mothers lose custody. Its clear and should be to everyone when u look at the misogyny! Misogyny IS the problem. But I think so many ppl have internalized sexist beliefs about women that they are unable to see this.

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This whole equal access to justice farce is to blame. There is no equal access to justice across the board on all issues, family court is just one of them. If I had the resources my ex had at his disposal I’d be in his position now…. And by resources I don’t just mean money, I mean human capital, the man is a con man who manipulates everyone and took advantage of some unfortunate circumstances with a falling out I had with family members. The surest way to lose in one of these situations is to go it alone, no lawyer, no witnesses, no friends / family to back anything up or vouch for you. Unfortunately this is a common theme in domestic violence situations, women more often than not are the victims and the men abusing them have years of experience doing whatever they can to isolate, gaslight and manipulate and by the time a custody battle ensues the stage is set for someone that is already vulnerable from all the abuse and mental and emotional trauma to struggle to present their side of things…, victims don’t have the resources to fight, the support system, yes access to money would greatly help, but without any people backing you up, the man can use every lying witness to his advantage with no one else’s words but yours to try and say different, this won’t be enough to convince a judge. Any trauma survivor in this situation will struggle to keep it together, to not be emotionally triggered, without a lawyer they won’t even know how to submit evidence or do any number of things necessary to represent and advocate for themselves. In these cases it is critical to have credible believable witnesses and supports backing up their side of the story. Without that, the winner is already called from the get go, the rest is a given. If anything, for me, what would have helped, would have been meeting other woman believing in supporting other each other in this cause, to meet my peers and have them in my life to be real life support, to be my witness when I had my calls with my son so that I had someone to attest to the reality against the lies my ex and his new girlfriend alleged,

To have a friend that understood what I was going through, cared and was willing to make time for me, to accompany me to court as a support, act as a witness to what was in fact going on. To try and warn me about what could happen and give me any advice they might have had and mostly to validate my reality and let me know that I wasn’t alone…. I don’t know about everyone else, but that would have actually helped me, I think, at least it would have helped make it so it wasn’t so traumatic. It would have at least been better if I didn’t feel like I was so alone in all of it…

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Can we create a conference where women from around the world can meet? We need to support each other through this tragedy. My three year old son was given to his violent pedophile father. His father stopped me seeing him for two years. My son is now a zombie and is constantly dissociating

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I learnt a very good lesson today. The system wants to train us and our children that we are helpless. We either get along with the abusers or lose our children to the abusers. We have to teach ourselves that we are not helpless. We have to teach our children they are not helpless. With the strength of God and joining together we need to fight this disgusting system and fight these disgusting abusers.

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gods = patriarchs Worldwide.

PURPOSEFULLY. = The CHIEF institution of the PATRIARCHY IS ... ... the FAMILY.

GET REAL, Mothers. The ACTUAL J O B of A N Y " family " " law " JUDGE Worldwide

( any gender thereof ) IS ... ... TO KEEP IN PLACE = the PATRIARCHY.

JOIN the Women's Coalition. W O R K for .JURIES. to make custody decisions.

UNITE to FIGHT = https://www.facebook.com/groups/1011814436174378

Else ? Else gods and patriarchies Worldwide .W I L L. continue. We Women .W I L L. LOSE.

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