Thank you Russ and Patrick for your humanity. Thank you for your efforts to protect our children. You are heroes. You should be celebrated not persecuted.

Family court does not allow mothers to protect their children. It does not allow anyone to help these children or their mothers. Family court protects abusive fathers and knowingly places children in dangerous situations. They punish loving mothers, innocent children and humane individuals. Systemic male entitlement must end. Mothers have children out of love. We did not have children to send them to slaughter. Mothers are not surrogates or breeders. Children are not male property, but family court treats them as male property. The anguish we are forced to endure never leaves us. Mothers must let the love we have for our children fuel us. We must continue to fight for them. Mothers must demand an end to the abuse of judicial power.

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This is very obviously a state-sanctioned child trafficking ring and this is a worldwide phenomenon.

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We are behind you 🙏 don’t give up, we can do this ♥️

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