I would have never gone to family court had I known about all this. Too late for us too. Except my daughter is still alive. However, I was one mother who did not follow orders to return my daughter to her abusers. I tried, but just couldn't do it. They have thrown the book at me and placed her with her abusive father and his abusive family. My daughter and I have not had contact for almost 4 years, because of my decision as a protective mom. The courts have proof of my little girls injuries, but have ignored the proof too. I have learned this is common all over. When will the victims of abuse be protected? When will victims of abuse stop being punished? When will justice be served? When will judges be held accountable for their senseless, heinous decisions? When will family court actually be able families, instead of money? When will we stop being abused further by the system?

My heart is so torn up about what happened to little Corey. I feel so bad for his mommy. There are no words to express this type of sorrow. She did all the right things that a good mom would do. I hope she knows she is not alone. This was not right for this judge to do this. It is not even right for these children to be forced to continue to have these relationships with their abusers. If these abusive people were at his school, such as, teacher, principle,etc.. no one would expect for Corey or any child to have to go back. You would pull them from their environment, get that abuser fired and then seek justice and no one would question it, but when it comes to family, oh hell no, they must continue this relationship. Blood is not thicker than abuse.

Such sadness 😔

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Piece of shit Judge that was an attorney prior. They don’t give a 🤬only about money, ego and their own families and protecting one another even with corruption all around them. I’m so very sorry this aches my heart because it could of been prevented. I was a victim of a Judge choosing the side of a powerful businessman to take my daughter and I down because his son was running for office. Judge Rothschild Sr. I don’t trust any of them. This Judge’s hands is bloody with murder just as the man that committed it. How can he sleep? Look at his children in the eyes? He should be jailed and let him face the consequences there. So sad 😞 my heart goes out to the mother and her family and I know God is taking care of this sweet innocent angel in heaven. 🙏🏼😞♥️ I hope this low life sees all these comments.

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I agree 100% !!!!!

They all make me sick!!!

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What do you call a pile of lawyers in black robes at the bottom of the ocean? A good start!

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" ... ... a cesspool of SEXISM " .IS. THE T R U E S T. Please, Mothers, F I N A L L Y GET IT. What goes around will >NOT>NOT>NOT> come around. There are NO goddesses OR gods SO .t h a t. NON - " help " is >NOT>NOT>NOT> coming to you either ( ALL RELIGIONS ? A L L religions equal ... ... SEXISM and PATRIARCHY. K N O W INSIDE YOUR BRAINS THUS of p33 of Dr Millett's y1970 Sexual Politics, " THE C H I E F ( that, Women, is THE CHIEF ! GET THIS ! ) institution IN the PATRIARCHY .I S. THE F A M I L Y " M E A N I N G ALL of the BABES WHOM YOU YOURSELF ACTUALLY G R E W .I N. TO THEIR FIRST SELVES. PLEASE, PLEASE STOP with the " HOPING " that some NON - existent M A L E deity is going to S A V E you / your babes. ONLY YOU CAN. " HOPE " is a woman - killer. " HOPE " is a child - killer. " O, IF I just shut up, then I hope he will not hit me. Again. " " O, IF I just keep the little one quiet, then I hope he will not kill him. Will not run him down to the Creek and throw him in it. " ONLY YOU, Mama, ONLY YOU C A N help Your Babes and Your Self. KNOW, TOO, SUPPORTERS OF ABUSERS ? THEY THEMSELVES ... ... LIKE HIS RELATIVES - both the female and the male ones, the JUDGES and VERY MANY LAWYERS and NEARLY ALL COURT OFFICIALS and CHILD SERVICES' WORKERS, especially " ADOPTION " and " COURT - APPOINTED " SPECIAL " " ADVOCATES " A R E THEMSELVES ... ... A B U S E R S.

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" Family " " Law " is NOT about " the money. " G E T this IN to your brains, Mothers.

" Family " " Law " IS about " the family. " T H I S Women's Coalition KNOWS. Judges, both the male AND its female ones, IF THEY THEMSELVES WERE DIVORCING, 'ld WANT the children STAYING WITH, A N D ONLY WITH, The D A D D E E, THEM = THE JUDGES = THEMSELVES.

NO $ needs to come from ANY Daddee TO the " Family " " Law " " officials " cuz children A R E the commodity.


GET THIS, Mothers. Else ? Else YOU 've lost your kiddos. OVER TO him. OVER TO possible HUGE HARM TO YOU BOTH.

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Thinking women M U S T be punished.

Over A L L the World. Over ( much of but N O T ) A L L of Time.

.P A T R I A R C H Y. .S E X I S M. .R E L I G I O N.

thus: the " FAMILY " " COURT " Playbook E V E R YWHERE

​TACTICS USED to Switch Custody to Sperm Sources &

to Conceal Sociopathy / Consciencelessness

* Court appointees, alleged " special " advocates ( eg, casa ) , steer cases o n l y to the patriarchs

* Children’s attorneys and alleged " special " guardians, represent o n l y father’s interests

* Custody evaluators / families' and children's " services " dismiss violence by fathers

* Mediators pressure women to stay quiet

* Women’s attorneys " go along to get along "


* conduct biased investigations.

* disregard and conceal negative truths about fathers.

* fabricate negative " facts " about mothers.

* discredit and disparage mothers; show deference and entitlement towards fathers.

* protect men’s reputations, while damaging women’s.

* make false findings that mothers are liars, alienators, mentally ill or abusive.

* make false findings of fitness of fathers.

* make false findings it is in children's best interest to be in fathers' joint / sole custody.

* grant sole custody to fathers who then silence children making mothers invisible / nonexistent.

* isolate children from the mother causing traumatic bonding with the father.

* reunify children with fathers after substantiation or conviction of violence / abuse.

* keep mothers on supervised visits or no contact for lengthy periods.

* appoint psychologists to brainwash children into " putting the abuse in the past. "

* allow fathers to alienate / estrange children from mothers.

* use gag orders and sealing of records to cover up paternal abuse, judicial bias.

* threaten mother with jail and / or loss of custody to extort compliance and silence.

* use civil contempt powers to incarcerate women.

* use the criminal justice system to incarcerate mothers who have fled to safety.

* determinedly conspire with fathers to throw down mothers' careers in to the toilet.

* disempower women by financially devastating them.

JOIN the Women's Coalition // for .J U R Y. decisions in re custody

" Patriarchy's C H I E F institution IS ... ... the f a m i ly

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This absolutely sickens me to my core! Our little granddaughter repeatedly told us in her young 4-yr. old language that dad was sexually abusing her! After seeing 2 separate doctors and a SANE nurse, there was overpowering evidence she was being abused. Yet the Harris County Family Court room 308 under Judge Lombardino (yes I will put his unjust name and title) outwardly voiced he always sides with the Dads in these “types of cases” … in which he did! So… every time our little granddaughter had to spend time with that abusive dad, she begged and cried not to make her go! The abuse continued for many years! Reports went out to CPS, but this judge had ties to people there so nothing ever happened regardless of our many complaints!

We pray for her every day that she will be able to cope, and that God will turn her nightmare into something she will use in her future to help others!

These dads will pay when God judges them, but they also need an earthly judge to take a stand and strip away their parental rights! Moms everywhere need to march the family courts and send strong messages this election year that mothers’ rights matter!!

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Horrifying! Fundamentally wrong, my heart goes out to the mother. This just shouldn’t even be something moms should have to worry about. I thankfully got supervised visits in mediation through family court for my daughter when she revealed abuse by her father at 2yrs old. I hope this beautiful boy’s life will live on through advocacy for situations like his. Listen to the children!!!! They don’t lie!!!!

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Sad. This is happening all over the world. Judges just don't care. It's about the money

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Disbar these judges.

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When will the madness ever end in the FAKE FAMILY CORRUPT COURTS?!?!? This is a made up court for pure profit for the thieves whom work this corporation!!!!! PLEASE WOMEN, share this story daily and let’s make this judge pay🙏🏻⚖️🙏🏻⚖️🙏🏻 My heart breaks for this mother and her beautiful son💔May he RIP with God near his side, watching over his mother🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Corey's blood is on Judge Bradshaws hands. When a 6 year old child says the father forced him on a treadmill and he is covered in bruises you remove that child from the situation immediately and thourally investigate. Now Corey is dead. I grieve over the months that child had to dread being dropped off at the monsters house. How cruel

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This happened because this court relies

on the discredited, controversial and imbecilic ideas by Richard Gardner. Others have continued to promulgate this alienation rubbish after his suicide. The Alienation paradigm in all its forms converts the evidence of child abuse into evidence of coaching. One day these judges will realise the extent of their stupidity and the depth of their negligence.

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This happened because this court relies

on the discredited, controversial and imbecilic ideas by Richard Gardner. Others have continued to promulgate this alienation rubbish after his suicide. The Alienation paradigm in all its forms converts the evidence of child abuse into evidence of coaching. One day these judges will realise the extent of their stupidity and the depth of their negligence.

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MOTHERS: IF you believe that " family " " courts " Worldwide are ANY LESS S E X I S T than religions. THEN sunstitute " family " " court " " judges " IN to this FAR TOO, TOO RECENT accounting in re the MISOGYNY and SEXISM in religion:

* * * two angering pieces of history ... ... n e v e r taught:


i ) QUOTES DU JOUR from Dr Wells:

" You'd be amazed at the number of women who don't know

that they are not protected by the US Constitution. "

--- --- --- Dr. Agnes Wells, emeritus dean of women,

Indiana University and president of the National Woman's Party, y1949.

ii) Excerpt from Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven

"Though they had a long struggle for the right to a normal burial, women who had just given birth had to struggle even longer for the right to return to church without undergoing a special purification. On January 13, 1199, Pope Innocent III imposed an interdict on France because the French King was living in an invalid marriage with his mistress Agnes of Meran. The interdict ordered all the churches in France to be closed, and to be opened only for infant baptisms. The Pope 'strictly' forbade women to come to church for purification, and since they had not been 'churched,' they were also not permitted to take part in the baptism of their children. Only after the interdict was lifted could they be readmitted by the priest.

"The custom of purifying women after childbirth has lasted almost up to the present. The Kirchenlexikon of Wetzer/Welte (1886) describes 'churching' in this way:

'Like the catechumens and penitents, the woman who has just had a child must first stand, or kneel, outside the church door; and only when she has been solemnly purified by sprinkling with holy water and the prayer of the priest is she led into the church. This is similar to what stilI happens today with catechumens and to what used to happen before with public penitents on Holy Thursday' (Wetzer/Welte I, 1711).

"As late as the 1960s the practice of 'churching' was still strictly adhered to. In 1987 a woman wrote me as follows: 'I can recall how terribly ashamed my mother once was. In 1960 my younger sister was born. My mother was not allowed to be present at the baptism because she had not yet been churched. Some time later in the afternoon she sneaked off all by herself to church, where the paster churched her. Only then could she attend services again.' "

-- Excerpted from Eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven, by Uta Ranke-Heinemann. New York: Doubleday, 1990. ISBN 0-385-26527-1.

Dr. Ranke Heinemann was the first woman to qualify as a university lecturer in Catholic theology. In 1970 she became a professor of Catholic theology. She lost her academic chair in New Testament and Ancient Church History at the University of Essen for interpreting Mary's Virgin birth theologically and not biologically. She now hold the chair for History of Religion at the same university.

IF one's " needing to be ' churched ' " is not, alone, angering enough,

THEN there is the determined D E L E T I O N of any of this sexism and misogyny ... ... from history.

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What's black and brown and looks good on a lawyer? A Doberman!

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AS YOU ALREADY KNOW: Daddee and HIS People will try to call YOU ... ... CRAZY.

MAMAS FLEEING WAR ZONES has reminded me:


OVER WEEKS' and MONTHS' and YEARS' time, ... ...


Keep this knowledge INSIDE your brain ... ... WHEN

HE and HIS People, whoever they are including court " officials, "

START to E V E N TRY to label YOU, Mama, AS NUTZO.



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