My children have been placed full time with our abuser after 3 years of extreme (and ongoing) Post SeparationAbuse. I'm having to pay thousands in court-ordered hostage fees, not because I've broken any laws, or harmed anyone, or threatened anyone, or done anything illegal. Because the magistrate sees me as reactive, believes lies, not evidence or patterns and is worried I'll say something bad about their dad!! She took away all of my rights!! I've been trying to escape and protect my children from a felon with an extensive history of felony charges, arrests, wreckless driving, fraud, bankruptcies, and many DV incidents with all of his children's mothers, only for me to go from being a stay at home mom of 8 years, to me getting 2 Zoom calls a week, monitored BY MY ABUSER and having to pay him support while he was $45K in arrears for his oldest child he abandoned long ago!! My life is even more controlled by my abuser than before I left him, and I cant protect my kids! Yet this absolute waste of a human pedophile gets to talk to his adopted kids DAILY from prison!!???? I hate this system.

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I have always suspected this is why rapist get so little time because the people making the laws want to protect themselves if they get caught.

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Tell the folks in Quantico - we want to see the faces of these kiddie porn victims; they are our own dear children trafficked by family court judges to perpetrators. They can be matched to our ex's computers and the State can Bobbittize them - that should not be OUR job.

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OXYMORON: " Family " " Law " Judge


= Convicted for "Worst of the Worst" Child Porn

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