Blatant Judicial Conspiracy in Abduction of Child from School by Father
And: Judges Who Caused Sara's Death Named
A Georgia judge blatantly conspired in a Custody Crisis case with the GAL, the father’s attorney, and the father in a scheme to abduct a girl from her school, so the mother would not know she lost custody until after her baby was gone…far, far away into the hands of her named abuser.
An abduction conspiracy may sound overly dramatic and hyperbolic, but the way this particular custody switch played out was clearly more like a conspiratorial kidnapping than a normal change of custody.
Mind you, Family Court judges often directly and indirectly conspire and have ex parte communications with various court actors in these cases. But, where that is usually impossible to prove, in this case, it is literally provable in black and white.
The abduction followed an “interim” hearing where supposedly only “temporary” orders can be made so as to rectify some urgent matter before the final trial. This type of hearing, where there is limited testimony and witnesses, should never be used when a child is disclosing abuse. That requires a proper investigation, including a forensic interview of the child and all relevant witnesses allowed to testify.
The misuse of interim (and ex parte) hearings is a common tactic used by judges to switch custody to fathers. Once children are isolated from the mother with the father, he can coercively persuade and terrorize them into submission and silence about his abuse and their desire to live with their mother. When the children are sufficiently under his control, then the judge conducts a real trial—after the child is silenced or has recanted. This strategy is a key component of the cover up of abuse and the ultimately permanent switching of custody.
This ploy is the first of the 20 items in the Discriminatory Conduct by Judges section of our Discrimination against Women in Family Court lawsuit: “Denying women a hearing or allowing them only a perfunctory hearing in matters where women’s fundamental rights, liberty interests, and other protected rights were at stake.”
Kreslyn has, unfortunately, become a victim of this particular ploy and the overall discrimination in Family Court. Please sign her petition below. She has joined our lawsuit and our cause. [If you are interested in joining, see below.]
Here is her story.
Kreslyn is an O.D.—Doctor of Optometry—practicing at her own business in Wayne County. She is a well-respected, award-winning doctor, immersed in her community.
Kreslyn supported her husband through medical school. He specialized in OB/GYN [obstetrics and gynecology] medicine, however, he is not board certified.
Barron was born in 2018. Kreslyn was beyond thrilled with her new baby. But she was tired of her husband’s physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, so she ended the relationship. He was living 3 hours away doing his residency, so they never lived together as a family after Barron was born. He wanted little to do with her the first five years anyway.
Kreslyn and Barron had a wonderful five years together without him much in their lives. Barron was involved with dance classes and other school activities. She was happy, healthy, and well-liked by her teachers and friends.
But in 2023, everything changed. Kreslyn’s ex remarried and his new wife had a child about the same age as Barron. He began the process of taking her away from Kreslyn.
Barron never wanted to go on the visits with her father and stepmother. Then her behavior began to change. Her anxiety kept increasing as time went on. She began wetting the bed, having nightmares and other trauma symptoms.
At every exchange, Barron would get upset and resist getting out of the car. Although it was difficult, Kreslyn was able to convince her to go. Until she couldn’t.
In December ‘23, Barron refused to get out of the car to go on the visit with her father. She was way more upset and terrified than usual. Kreslyn was advised by police and others that she should not physically force her out of the car.
Barron disclosed physical and emotional abuse by both her father and stepmother. She also told her mother about something that happened at bath time that she didn’t like, which sounded like it may have been sexual abuse.
This set off the predictable chain of events that would lead to the inevitable custody switch. The father filed for sole custody on the grounds that Barron was refusing to visit him because Kreslyn was alienating her from him.
Judge Carla Roberts Powell appointed a GAL [guardian ad litem]. This particular GAL is a self-described fathers’ rights advocate, ascribing to the narrative that if children disclose abuse and resist visiting fathers, it is probably because the mother is alienating and coaching the child. This GAL is also a friend of the father’s attorney, a clear conflict of interest.
The GAL did almost no fact gathering to determine whether the problem was more likely alienation or the father’s abuse. Although she had gathered no credible evidence that Kreslyn was alienating Barron, that is what she reported to the court. Of course. That is why she was appointed and she knew it.
Go along to get along or don’t get appointed anymore. Those willing to sell out, like her, choose the former.
Since Barron had disclosed abuse, Judge Powell should have immediately ordered a proper investigation that included a forensic assessment of Barron by an expert in interviewing children and a medical doctor. That is how admissible evidence of child abuse is gathered. That is the most valuable evidence in a child abuse case.
Which is exactly why Judge Powell made sure it was not done. A videotape with Barron describing all the abuse and looking terrified of her father would make it harder to cover up the abuse and place blame on Kreslyn.
Barron and Kreslyn were not the only ones reporting abuse by him. A patient submitted an affidavit under oath that he had sexually assaulted her during an OB/GYN exam. An ex-girlfriend reportedly said he had abused her and he’s been repeatedly accused of malpractice. He allegedly settled one case for $1 million and another for $85K.
Mental health professionals, business associates, and friends submitted affidavits as to Kreslyn’s parenting abilities and flawless record, refuting the allegation that she had alienated Barron. The professionals opined that it would be harmful to Barron to remove her from her mother’s custody and definitely not in her best interests.
In the end, Kreslyn submitted a lot of credible evidence she was a good mother, had not alienated Barron, and the father was abusive. On the other hand, the father submitted no credible evidence Kreslyn had alienated Barron, was abusive, or that he had been a upstanding citizen or good father, quite the contrary.
The hearing concluded on August 30th. Judge Powell reserved judgment, despite the fact the hearing was supposedly conducted due to urgency. It would only become apparent nearly three weeks later why…
On the morning of September 17th, the father set out on the three hour drive to Wayne County to abduct Barron. But there had not yet been Findings and Orders made by Judge Powell. How did he know he was getting sole custody??
He arrived at Barron’s school before dismissal time. He assured school officials he had been granted sole custody so they let him take her. They immediately called Kreslyn, but it was too late—she was gone.
It wasn’t until 10 minutes after he left the school with Barron that Judge Powell signed and filed the Findings and Orders, which, by the way, had been written by the father’s attorney. The father was given exactly what he wanted via Powell signing orders he had written and waiting until after he had snatched Barron.
Since the Findings and Orders was file-stamped at ten minutes after the father abducted Barron—that is black and white proof of the conspiracy. The father, father’s attorney, and GAL already knew Powell would sign it. They were all in on staging the abduction.
The findings stated that it was in Barron’s best interests to be in her father’s sole custody due to alienation by Kreslyn—the usual. There would be no contact between Kreslyn and Barron for three weeks, and after that, only occasional, short calls and supervised visits.
Then there would supposedly be another hearing to assess how things were going—which is code for: are mom and child willing to shut up about the abuse yet and be good with her living with the father or do we need to torture them further?
That was nearly a half year ago now. Kreslyn’s attorney filed a motion for reconsideration laying out everything that had been done wrong and asking for a new hearing, to no avail.
At the very few supervised visits since the abduction, Barron has cried and clung to Kreslyn when the visit was over, begging to not have to go back to her father. She wants to live with her mother, where she belongs.
The father is now keeping Barron away completely from her. Why? Because he can. The judge allows the father to do what he wants after he gets custody.
Kreslyn has not seen Barron for months. And there has been no follow-up hearing. So much for the “temporary” status.
Ahhh, so many Takeaways, so little space…
Moms and activists may be drawn down a few rabbit holes in this case, one being the “Court-Appointee Rabbit Hole”. It may appear that the GAL is the problem, as she reported to the court that Kreslyn was alienating and yadayadayada, the usual BS that spews forth from court-appointees when steering the case to the father.
But it is important to not get it backwards. The GAL is not influencing the judge; the judge is influencing the GAL. The judge appoints the GAL to provide her with recommendations on custody and visitation s/he is going to order anyway. Judges use appointees to give them what they want, i.e. to help in the cover up of men’s abuse and to give them cover for their rulings: “The [insert appointee] made me do it...”
The fact that Kreslyn was found to be alienating Barron from her father will probably draw some moms down the “Parental Alienation Rabbit Hole”. Yes, Kreslyn was falsely found to be alienating and that was used to switch custody. However, notice what happened next: the father was allowed to alienate Barron from Kreslyn!
Neither the concept, the term, nor the lack of a specific scientific diagnosis named “parental alienation” is the problem, and banning it, as so many advocates encourage, will make no difference in the Crisis. There are jurisdictions that prohibit the use of the term parental alienation, but judges have countless ways to get around that.
The real problem is that judges have virtually absolute power to deem women all kinds of things that are not “scientific”, for example: enmeshed, overprotective, delusional, liars, vindictive, paranoid, etc., and use those to switch custody.
A handy soundbite: Judges falsely find mothers to be alienating to switch custody to the father; then they allow the father to alienate the children from the mother.
That is what happened in Kreslyn’s case. That is the epidemic. Mothers need to be shouting at the top of their lungs that children are being taken and alienated from them—getting the public to see this horrific epidemic for what it is.
Another thing: Kreslyn is the perfect mom and citizen. She is well-respected and cherished in her community. She is squeaky clean. She has no criminal record. She is a doctor. She has the best attorneys. If it can happen to Kreslyn, it can happen to any woman, regardless of socioeconomic status, race, or record of achievement.
The main takeaway from this case has already been discussed above. Beware Moms of the “temporary” hearing scam. Demand that you maintain primary custody until a full trial takes place at which you can get ALL the testimony and evidence on the record. And make sure best practices are adhered to in the investigation of child abuse.
Having said that, just know that even when a full trial is conducted, the judge can still rule however s/he wants. And that is the core problem. They are allowed to discriminate against women and entitle men. That is what Family Court is designed to do.
The conspiracy in Kreslyn’s case to deprive her of custody of her child is a perfect example of how women’s rights to equal protection and due process are being violated.
The Women’s Coalition is filing a lawsuit to bring recognition and attention to how women are being discriminated against and oppressed in Family Court and make change. For more info or to join see this column. Also consider joining The Women’s Coalition and our activism group: Sisters in Solidarity.
Kreslyn’s friend has started a petition to the Governor. Please support her by signing!
The three judges in our story last week, “Judges Who Enabled Father to Kill His Child Fear for their Lives” have been named.
Judge Alison Raeside presided over most hearings across the six and a half years.
Judge Peter Nathan & Judge Sally Williams had some involvement.
We often see judges who empower abuser fathers promoted. Judge Alison Raeside was promoted to the Designated Family Judge for her district.
Although it’s good to provide a bit of accountability by naming judges, it’s important not to focus on individual actors within the Family Court system. It is the system that gives judges the power to grant abusive fathers custody and it is the system that needs to be replaced.
Submissions from mothers are continuing to pour into our Discrimination in Family Court lawsuit! We have women in every state in the U.S. Now we need attorneys to file it. Please ask around. S/he does not need to be specialized in civil rights as we have a consultant who can aid in the process.
We are now accepting mothers who want to be anonymous. Just put that in the comment section of the form or write aka after your name.
Although we are starting in the U.S., there is now an international form if you are interested in signing up from another country. We will be extending our efforts as soon as we establish a case in the U.S.
Due to popular demand, the February 15th Sisters in Solidarity forum is again going to be opened up to any mom who’s signed up for the lawsuit and questions will be answered. You may join SIS here.
Please encourage all victims of the Custody Crisis to join the lawsuit by filling out this form for the U.S. and this form for other countries. Read the column about it for more info.
A gofundme has been started that will be used to help pay attorneys.
Please consider donating. The more we get, the more states we can file in. You can also donate to our cause via a paid subscription to Women’s Coalition News & Views or through our Paypal Giving Fund.
Big thanks to all who’ve contributed to this important cause!
In this section of Chapter 28, Legion discovers that Mirzah, like Jesse, had also had to be captured the morning Herry abducted them to parts unknown. He was slated to be the star defense attorney in his school’s Mock Trials finals competition and did not want to let his classmates down.
CHAPTER 28 of Mother-Fucking: The Saga of One Fucked Mother begins with Act III, Part 4 of “The Opera” from Book 3. The Opera has three Acts with five Parts—one for each of the three Family Court and two Appellate Court trials. Chapter 28 covers all of Act III: Part 4: the third Family Court trial and Part 5: the second Appellate trial. [This is a long chapter and will be published in newsletter-sized bites.]
Dr. Blue’s novel is based on her own experience of the Custody Crisis. It uniquely conveys how Family Court judges are “mother-fucking” women—a form of systemic oppression—as protagonist Legion is systematically and methodically deprived of her children and money and reduced to “one fucked mother”.
Chapters are stand-alone interesting so you can begin reading anywhere. A Cast of Characters follows to help readers at any point [on the web page]. All published chapters are included in the Section: “Saga of One F**ked Mother” accessible on the top bar of the home page of Women’s Coalition News & Views. Sequential chapters are published every Wednesday so make sure to subscribe if you haven’t yet!
Dr. Herod Edinsmaier had succeeded in capturing Mirzah and by Herry’s subsequent imprisonment of him on the interstate and ultimately at their final roadtripping destination, had literally stolen from Mirzah the loyalty to his friends that he so prized inside of himself.
…the evil that Herry did to my children “changes them forever.” The “not knowing” is the worst…I know other mothers live decades like this. Not knowing. How they do daunts me. How they survive this holocaust … How dare they even ever … have to!
You may also give a gift subscription to a friend who is a victim of the Custody Crisis.
Or feel free to support the Coalition’s work through a one-time or recurring contribution through the Paypal Giving Fund.
All contributions are greatly appreciated!
Women and children have no enforceable rights in family court. There is no due process and equal protection. Human rights are violated. Family court judges do not rule in the child's best interests. Women are falsely deemed unfit. Loving mothers have their children taken. Patriarchy dominates family court. Children are considered male property. Males that request custody usually get it. It doesn't matter if they're abusive. Male and female family court judges abuse their power. They face no consequences. Women cannot protect their children in family court. Facts and evidence don't matter. Laws and training programs won't help. Records are sealed. Ex parte communication is common. Barron deserves to be with her mom. Kreslyn deserves to be with her child. This mother did nothing wrong. She did everything right. Ripping them apart causes a lifetime of damage. Women have no power to protect their children in family court. They are emotionally, physically and financially devastated. Mothers are helpless and hopeless. Women and children suffer. Family court judges endanger mothers and their children. They must no longer have the power to do so. Women must continue to unite and fight for a new system. A jury would give women and children a chance at justice. Family court must end.
All too familiar. I am very aware how Exparté Motions can be used against good moms so that abusive fathers can gain custody. This happened to me, while the abuser was serving a "Peace Bond" for threatening to kill our child while drinking and driving with them in the vehicle and later asssaulting the child. The Judge ignored all the abuse, ...years of abuse, testimonies of 3 children and witnesses. The abuser was to keep the peace and be of "good behaviour" for a year while serving his peace bond and during that year he lied to the court to gain control and continued to assault the youngest child once he got sole custody. The child reported the abuse to the authorities and the authorities did nothing. This has gone on for years, finally he was arrested for assault and the emergency doctor verified the abuse...a year later, I am being dragged back into court because the abuser wants custody. Family court needs to be held accountable for perpetuating child abuse. They are a disgrace to humanity. If society tells us we have a duty to report child abuse, then perhaps the family court needs the memo...child abuse is wrong and it should not just be up to caring parents to try and protect children, the system needs to protect them. Get rid of judges that cover up child abuse, there is no room for them in the "justice system"