UTTERLY A N G E R I N G ... ... her struggle. Com'n, Mamas: NEW SYSTEM = N O W.

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The only way women won't be punished for trying to protect their children is to eliminate family court. The only way children will be protected is to establish a new system. Family court judges must not have the power to endanger women and children. Women must be empowered to fight for a new system that protects our children. We can no longer play by the existing rules. We need new rules.

Women must focus on abolishing family court and establishing a new system.

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Can Nicole speak of her abuse now?

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That is what I would like to know.

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I was Wrongly jailed 4 times on made up abusive and crooked accusations of non paiement of child support because I was protective of my children. My story is like no other.

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I have a PETITION going to UN PETITIONS TEAM @ https://chn.ge/2Hpu2aa - I had legally used WOMEN'S HUMAN RIGHTS INTERNATIONAL LAW [CEDAW] at the domestic level - A GLOBAL FIRST

The ex-husband illegally transferred the marital property to a male-stranger. The judges illegally let the male stranger keep the lot. The male stranger got away with physically assaulting me (king hit to my head plus other injuries). I was illegally forced by a Court Judge to pay the male stranger's personal bills.

I was illegally evicted into the street by a court judge at the age of 64, with no assets - must my clothes on me and my handbag. Before, I had my own home for 36 years.


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