Thank you for sharing this story to honor Nash, her legacy, and her fight for her precious boys. We will never give up and will carry on this fight to dismantle the corrupt family courts until every child who discloses abuse is believed and protected.

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Where are the boys? R they ok? Can WC do a follow up on the boys and the judge? Please say the judge is dead, off the bench, in jail for murder and for being an accomplice to sexual abuse!!!!

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The father had sole custody when she died and there has been no change we are aware of. Judge Ryon will be on the bench until 2029 unless she retires first. Judges control the narrative and they have the power to deem women liars no matter how much evidence there is. That's why we need a new system.

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Yes. How can I fight with you all on getting a jury for family court in every state. We need to get this judge fired and in jail. I want to find these boys to see if they are ok. Maybe someone saved them.

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I had a very corrupt judge and started studying how to get rid of them... you can't. Maybe why they murder so much. Rarely a judge council will, but extremely rarely

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Thoughts of my friend fill my heart and my mind often. Nash and her children deserved so much more from the courts and from the military. Thank you for sharing her story again today.

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These judges are still in the job? There needs to be a database where they are all listed, the dates of their crimes, their mugshots and where they are living and working so they can be watched as closely as possible. They are murderous Women-hating/child-abusing psychopaths operating on the taxpayer dime and the taxpayer deserves to know every time a mother and child dies.

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Try the Robing Room. How about the mother and child that watch each other die, slowly, as the narcissist and their cronies erase their history, and recast their present and future in a light more pleasing to the narc? Sinead and Sean had to watch each other die, too, and look where they are now. Ironic that in the face of "always believe the victim" that women are still not believed, even when the evidence of their truthtelling is clear.

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I thought the roving room was defunct like gavel bangers after Judge John H sugiyama was one of the most hated judges in California and written up in both those places complaints started disappearing because former Assistant Attorney General of California the Devil Himself apparently do whatever he wants to women and children.

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" Friends say she was not suicidal and

would never have left her boys alone with their father.

One said, ' Nash told me that if anything happened to her

and it looked like it was suicide that it wasn't.

She said it's [ the father ] and that he either did it

or had someone do it. SHE TOLD ME TO TELL PEOPLE THAT. ' ”

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Nashwa should be alive and with her children. Her children deserve to be with their mother.

Family court serves the best interests of males not children. Women and children are sacrificed. Family court judges will continue to enforce systemic male entitlement as long as family court exists. Women must continue to fight for a new system. Children deserve to have their best interests served.

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Not just that damaged people make the courts and their cronies a shit load of money. It's way too corrupt. Criminal courts are open and you can watch complete corruption in action

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This is such a horrific story, and a common one throughout the U.S. I know first hand that this same thing is happening in Muskegon, Michigan and Contra Costa, California. There is pure and outright deplorable disregard for Childrens safety, even WITH proof the Mothers are ignored, and to add insult to injury, also made to pay for the State making the choice to hand children over to Abusers. The so-called "family court" and CPS work against GOOD parents, in favor of Abusive, Drug addicted, Pedophiles. They make money off of these cases as well, so they drag them out. But WHO will stop them?

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from the Sheendex = " Y O U R SILENCE .IS. ... ... C O N S E N T " post - separation.


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This mother did not kill herself. No way - this is not what protective, professional, and engaged parents do. This is happening, right now, to my daughter - an ex, their girlfriend, and their mother have stolen my child on false allegations, cosigned by a court that has no interest in my child, nor any interest in basic court rules, and certainly not the Evidence Code. The hate against women is intense - and being driven by other women (incl Judges) with their own, unhealed wounds. Tragic, for everyone, as I watch court officers hurt my child, me, and themselves with poor judgments that follow neither the law, nor best practices when it comes to family systems. Grievous violations of basic human rights, again and again. When you're trying to save your children, and not die yourself, who has time to sue rotten court officers that ignore the law? There is no recourse, no restitution for what is being stolen. California has so many motherless children.....apparently not the only state gorging themselves on discrimination based on gender and marital status. I hope we all get what we deserve - especially you, Judge Ryon. Nashwa, I pray your boys find their way and your ex's unaliving ways are revealed. Soon.

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I expect the JAG who left her that lovely message was the murderer or tied to the murderer. This was to cause her to let down her guard before the attack. Sometimes someone is really hurting, and they say things, and it does not mean they are going to do them, but it gives the devil an opportunity. I will never believe Nashwa took her life and I want her death re-opened and properly investigated. Nashwa's brother let her down because he dd not understand how abuse victims who are fearful, legally traumatized and desperate behave. I bet that father used something to remove those boys' memories, and I understand he is talented, but there is no way ANY child LIES about ANYTHING like THIS in THIS way, EVER. This is truly disgusting and should receive as much uproar as any other serious issue in this country and internationally and it blows me away when it doesn't. I will NEVER forget Nashwa or her boys, or this disgusting injustice. Someone WAS abusing those boys sexually and has NOT been brought to justice.

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If you watch the docu on brit spears these judges were destroying her. Finally a death threat to the judge saved her. Killing to keep your cushy job , these morons belong in jail

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I completely agree. They messed with her mind. The boyfriend was a fraud to help her transition to independence because if anything went wrong, they knew that the legal system and they, themselves, were going to have a public in an uproar. They damaged Brittany's mind on purpose. Then they needed her to look bad rather than dead. It's pure evil. Brittany has always been super savvy, and she is still in there.

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Should a mother going through divorce and custody court bring up child porno use by dad, considering the odds of it being ignored along with evidence of assault on the mother? (San Antonio court)

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The odds are very good it will be ignored but probably good to get it on the record anyway.

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Make sure you get evidence first don't even talk about it until you do make sure you do.

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