Aug 5Liked by Womens Coalition International

I felt every word she wrote as if wrote them myself! Her story is my story! Her fight is my fight! It’s every mother’s fight who is living this nightmare!

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Thank you! 🙏🏾 I appreciate your heart felt support and kind words.

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Can we speak?

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Send your contact info to womenscoalitionintl@gmail.com and your request will be passed along.

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Aug 5Liked by Womens Coalition International

There is no due process for women in family court. A jury trial is the only way women can receive due process. Family court judges do not rule in the best interests of the child. They give child custody to males that request it. It doesn't matter if they're abusive. Women are often falsely deemed unfit and left penniless. Family court judges intentionally separate loving mothers from their children. The damage done by separating children from their primary attachment figure takes a harmful toll. Family court judges face no consequences for their deliberate actions. Women and children face a lifetime of consequences. The pain and suffering Celia and Chloe are experiencing is needless. Women are legally entitled to due process in family court. Celia is right to file a federal lawsuit. A class action federal lawsuit is also needed. There is no protection for women and children in family court. Family court judges abuse their power and endanger children. These judges will continue to harm women and children as long as they have the power to do so. Family court must end.

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Joyce, Thank you for sharing. I hope my story makes an impact and helps shed light on the corruption going on in Family Court. Thank you for your sharing insight of the injustice that mothers and children are facing. 🙏🏾

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Aug 5Liked by Womens Coalition International

A lovely, smart, woman of the people won handily over Christopher Darden this past election. I personally heard from four female prosecutors: Georgia Huerta, Christmas Brookens, Leslie Gutierrez (who won the seat outright during the primary over Darden) and Sharon (?) who were all running for judicial seats and I believe they are phenomenal. There’s an old bat (a female judge with internalized misogyny) that was running for DA and thank Goddess she didn’t prevail. But back to Christophe Darden: he didn’t win because he’s not likable, he’s a terrible human, and everyone knows it and he’s a loser. I hate that this mother is going through this but I am not surprised. On 2019, I encountered him as his Uber driver. He got in the back of my car, called his attorney and started talking shit about the mother of his daughter. My first thought was what is he doing with such a young child (she was five.) My second thought was the years had not been good to him because he looked terrible. Lastly, as a protective mother, I immediately picked up on his controlling behavior through the phone call. He wants to blame the mothers of his children for the fact that no one in LA county wants him as a judge. He should just accept that the vast majority of us recognize that he’s a loser - and not just because he lost the OJ Simpson trial.

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Please can we inbox thank you

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I know what this mother and daughter are going through exactly what my now 6 year old son and I are facing. This is not America if women can’t have rights to her own child. We need to find change.

We need to protest all the family courts across the country.

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JURIES, N O T judges, to DECIDE CUSTODY ... ... = L O N G OVERDUE =

= as of March y1776, when Ms Adams stated thus ... ...

unto y2024 = 248+ years and counting ALL of the 12,000+ years' time before that one of hers ... ... cuz " All men would be tyrants.

Do NOT put SUCH UNLIMITED POWER in to the hands of the husbands. IF particular care and attention is not paid to the Ladies, THEN ... ... WE ARE DETERMINED to FOMENT a REBELLION, and WILL NOT HOLD OURSELVES BOUND by any laws in which we have no voice, nor representation. "

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I am currently going through this same exact situation with my now 14 year old daughter who was parentally kidnapped by her father from school in October 2023. I haven’t seen her since & I barely speak to her since he changed her number that I had for her & refuses to give it to me or anyone I know. My daughter & I were like best friends. We had fun together, did everything together. She loved me & I love her to pieces! Today, she hates me because of the lies he tells her about me to Dave his own ass for his wrongdoings & not being there for her her entire life due to a severe drug addiction. The judges didn’t even speak to me or 1 person I had with me at my 1 minute trial. I went from solely raising my daughter for 13 years to one day per week supervised visitation which doesn’t even happen. He’s been in contempt several times but no one even brings that up. He’s violated 3 court orders & yet gets away with it!! I am beyond devastated, can’t afford an attorney like he can & I am at a loss.

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I am so sorry to hear this Michele. I know how it feels to have your best friend taken him from you. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I hope you get reunited with your daughter soon.

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Christopher Darden had three babies with three different women at the same time with his wife, and two other women filed for custody for the two other babies. One started out as a checker at Ralph’s market and ended up with a masters degree. I met her. Her name is Mickey. He wrote a forward in a book with mothers without Justice acting like he was sympathetic to the mothers when he was screwing these women over.

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Thank you for sharing Monica. Please check your inbox.

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Dirtbag Darden

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