Not surprising. I'm dealing with a situation where a judge gave an abusive ex my child . A child of no true biological relation. Soley off his word, without serving me anything. He just showed up at my house with an exparte order from nc to take my son. He immediately cut off all contact until this same judge whom I've filed complaints against before finally gave me, my other children visits 5 month after my son was wrongfully taken. Now that it know grave errors where made out of spite,judicial prejudice no one wants to acknowledge or rectify the situation. Leaving my son to suffer living with, through emotional, physical, psychological abuse, torment. While being bullied,intimidated not to tell or speak on it. Had she use her professional judgment for the true concern and consideration f

For the wellbeing of my child he would not be suffering unnecessarily. They hate when you can prove everything so they do thing like that to prevent the travesty of justice from being exposed. What about the kids....while everybody trying to save face at the expense of our innocent defenseless children.

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I’m so sorry for what you have been through. Always remember karma is real. Whoever has caused pain will get it back. It’s the laws of the universe. Truth always comes out. There are no excuse for Judges behaviours who allow this to happen across the world unfortunately.

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Family court judges do use your children to gain compliance. There is no more powerful leverage. They threaten to not allow you to even seen your children until they're eighteen if you don't comply with their demands. I'm sure this has happened to countless mothers. This systemic injustice needs lots of attention. Family court judges will only stop when they're rendered powerless.

That's great news about Bradley and Dr. Pridgeon!!

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THUS, Mamas. P U B L I C I Z E THUS. Worldwide *. AND do NOT divert away from THUS =

" The characterization of PSC cases as a transparency or free speech issue diverts from the real problem—judges having virtually absolute power to switch custody from loving, primarily-bonded mothers to abusive or otherwise underserving fathers. The only fix for that is to remove the power to decide custody from judges.

This means dismantling the Family Court system, which is designed specifically so judges can keep men entitled in their family. True transparency and accountability will happen when custody cases are heard in a regular civil court with a jury—open to the public. "


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Couldn’t agree more. Anything with the word private is a platform for dishonesty and corruption. Change will come!

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Justice for Monica! Can Woman's coalition draft a letter for us to email? Monica posted the Phone Number on her Personal Page to contact the Court. I know Monica and what is happening is a Travesty!

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I have a 3 day custody trial coming up this Wed against my abusive ex and father to my 3yr old twin daughters. Over the last 2 years he has been able to use the family and criminal courts to continue his abuse against me and my daughters. He's been allowed 4 different false restraining orders where hes been allowed to traumatically take my daughters with the help of police force. He would then keep them from me until a court hearing. But that wasnt enough, my ex would then make up false texts from me using an app, and wld call the police to report me for violating the no contact order. I would literally have to hide when id hear a knock at my door, and still do out of fear that I'll be arrested. Then before the hearings he would experience some "family emergency" or "death", and the judge would allow him a continuance, so days would turn to weeks away from my little girls. His entire purpose in life is to punish me for leaving him, and he knows the only thing that will hurt me is being kept from my children. He kidnapped them on an overnight visit and didn't bring them home for almost 3 months! NO ONE could help me get them back, why? Because there was just no imminent threat of danger. Every day for almost 60 days I wrote letters and begged anyone who worked for DHS, The children's welfare Ombudsman, the Attorney General, police, sheriff's, and I even had an open case with the national center for missing children...Yet every person throughout every organization that promised to protect my children, FAILED ME AND MY DAUGHTERS OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Both my girls came home but were diagnosed with severe separation anxiety, PTSD, and attachment disorder. Their night terrors are horrific, and they now have intensive weekly play therapy sessions....yet when I reported it to DHS for a mental injury, it of course was unfounded. One thing that still haunts me and upsets me the most from that time was what the police told me when I asked them to do a welfare check on my daughters..."we're not getting involved, and we're not going to drive out to his house. We know all about these situations and women like you. Your just trying to harass a good father during his time with his children." This was after 14 days without any contact from my children or their father. Eventually when I kept calling each night, they threatened me with charges if I were to call back. No mother deserves that type of treatment and those people all need to be held accountable. I will not stop fighting and I will not stop sharing my story until the day I die, because this needs to stop. My ex has also made 14 false allegations of child abuse against me, falsely reported me to the Board of a Nursing, my employers, and the federal government. Tonight as I sit here going through the almost 200 exhibits that he has filed in our custody case, I am overwhelmed with the amount of false text messages he's made up. My only defense is my time stamped phone log from my phone company that shows every message Ive ever sent.... But the family court judges still allow his evidence in because they are just not willing to believe that a father would ever do something like that. Especially when he plays the victim so we'll, and accuses me of parental alienation. I am emotionally and financially drained, but I try and remind myself that I am finally free from his control and his abuse, and that is worth more than anything. He didn't win, and in fact, he only made me stronger. Only God knows what the outcome will be on Wednesday, but I know with 100% certainty that I have fought with every ounce in me, and I am doing every single thing possible to protect my babies. They will know that one day. And whatever the outcome is on Friday, I will keep moving onward & forward for my children. I am also making a promise to them, that I will help other children and mothers who are fighting this same war. I know God put me through this for a reason, and that's why I plan to apply to law school next fall. I stand in solidarity as a sister to all women who need support. Thank you for reading my story. I hadn't planned to share it in the comments, but something told me to. Prayers for Wednesday please!

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Monica — good for you!! I followed all the judges and related racketeers’ directions and it still got me nowhere. Now, 16 years later I never see my 24 year old daughter who’s aligned with our abuser (trauma bonded) and my 30 year old son is heading in the same direction! Keep speaking out because that’s our only chance … peace

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Mothers: the PATRIARCHS' ( instantiations = i) FAMILY COURT judges and ii) ALL religionists / ALL their gods ARE thus and OF the PATRIARCHY ) E N T I R E DESIGN .IS. for ONE DEAL and ONLY T H I S ONE DEAL. Which the Women's Coalition International / ITS Executive Director Dumas has had UPON its homepage for EONS. SO, Mamas, KNOW IT and, INSIDE ALL of YOUR EFFORTS, do NOT divert away from SMASHING T H U S: Dr Kate Millett's WISE counsel of her y1970 work, "Sexual Politics, " thusly, " Patriarchy's CHIEF institution ... ... .IS. The Family. It is both i) a mirror of and ii) a connection with ... ... the larger society; a patriarchal unit within a patriarchal whole. "

Judges ( including the ladder - climbing and enabling, sycophantic ones who are women ) and Sperm Sources ( along with their obsequious, enabling family members and friends who are women = their Next Cunts, for instantiation ) ... ... WORLDWIDE and OVER ~12,000 years' time have DETERMINEDLY MADE T H I S ... ... THEIR D E S I G N.

SO. WE ? WE NEED to TAKE B A C K OUR M A T R I A R C H A L POWER of B E F O R E ~12,000 years' time ago. WE NEED to WORK TOGETHER ... ... to SMASH the PATRIARCHY / ITS D E S I G N.

Dr Blue

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Thanking of all the women who has been affected by this vile system. We need to stand together and keep fighting for our future children to come.

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