
NOTE: Comments which put out misinformation about the Custody Crisis will be removed. A main purpose of the Coalition is to get the truth out and dispel misinformation about the crisis. We don't want readers being confused by false and misleading comments and will not debate issues in comment sections.

Someone commented on this post that it is not a gendered crisis because she knows a few men who've been unable to protect their children. That comment was removed because it is not true. The Gender Neutral Rabbit Hole post explains why.

She includes CPS being part of the problem which is one common misunderstanding that confuses the issue. What is happening in CPS is different than Family Court. We are exposing and battling the Custody Crisis in family court in which judges are ROUTINELY falsely deeming mothers liars and mentally ill and switching custody to abusive and greedy fathers. This does not happen to men. It is the result of discrimination and oppression of women and we have the facts and research to prove it.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but not on here if it is not true and will confuse readers.

Gender Neutral Rabbit Hole: https://womenscoalition.substack.com/p/the-gender-neutral-rabbit-hole-fueling

Rabbit Holes series: https://womenscoalition.substack.com/s/rabbit-holes-of-the-post-separation

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Sep 9Liked by Womens Coalition International

Family court judges do not rule in a child's best interests. They make decisions that elevate their status. Family court judges become more powerful at the expense of women and children. Women have no enforceable rights in family court. They become powerless. Family court judges falsely deem loving mothers unfit. Women are emotionally, physically and financially abused. Patriarchy dominates family court. Children are considered male property. Fathers that request child custody usually get custody. It doesn't matter if they're abusive. Facts and evidence don't matter. Laws won't help. New training programs won't make a difference. Family court judges rule without consequences. Their opinion is what matters. Letters to the disciplinary committee won't help. Women and children suffer. They are dying. Family court judges endanger children and are rewarded. Mothers that try to protect their children are being jailed. Family court judges abuse their power. They must no longer have the power to harm children. We need a new system. A jury would give women and children a chance at justice. Family court must end.

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Sep 9Liked by Womens Coalition International

All true statements

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Sep 9Liked by Womens Coalition International

You nailed this! So much truth here. I sincerely hope this article goes viral and that the public finally take it seriously. I have not seen my now 16 year old daughter for three years after she was violently kidnapped and forced into a year of reunification therapy. The brainwashing is real and those sick psychopaths know how to break the children. RT Rebecca Bailey now gloats about wanting to rename Stockholm Syndrome as Appeasement after she has spent years traumatizing children then studying how they react. to survive. What happens is a psychological homicide and I hope one day we can hold criminal trials on it. My daughter was heard screaming for me on the videos of her kidnapping. Now the RT and dad's friends say my daughter doesn't want to see me and I should wait until she turns 18. This is truly the most sick, psychopathic thing anyone can do. That the public is paying for it is worse and it must be shut down. Thank you so much for writing this article. I cannot tell you how hard it is to explain this to family and friends who refuse to believe this is happening and widely systemic across the Nation

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Mamas' waiting until the children " are 18 " does NOT change a thing.

MY three sons are IN to their L A T E 40s and, always and S T I L L, UTTERLY STOCKHOLMED.

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Sep 9Liked by Womens Coalition International

Columbus, Ohio dealing with a similar situation only my four biologic children have been awarded to my ex-spouse who is a woman who has subjected my children to emotional abuse of alienation and eliminating me from their lives on the basis of fabricated stories and harassment by my spouse. I vehemently opposed her having parental rights to my children. The court awarded her parentage despite the fact by law she has no legal path to parentage without my allowing her to adopt my children which I will not allow.

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