This is exactly what had been done to me & my 3 #TAKEN Boze Children: Devon, Cheylan & Nashera, by the Mafia run Family Destruction Court System in Helmerica! I WILL NEVER BELIEVE IN THESE FELONY AGENTS SENT STRAIGHT FROM THE PITS OF HELL TO DESTROY WOMEN, CHILDREN & FAMILIES FOREVER! Government Agents/Agencies use So-called Help as a fraudulent way to entrap you into their WICKED OPERATIONS OF DIABOLICAL, MONEY MAKING SCHEMES OF: KIDNAPPING, SLAVERY, SEX TRAFFICKING, PORNOGRAPHY, CORRUPTION, MURDER, DRUG ABUSE & FRAUDULENT IMMORAL ACTIVITIES!



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I have shared with the Propublica reporter. She told me she was going to do a "real" article. But alas she did a Joan Meier/DV shill propaganda piece. All this article does is promote the "treatment" - at the end she mentions the treatment dad got is not on the list of approved treatments - it is probably done by father's rights and paid for with fatherhood grants. The author doesn't even mention the name of the treatment center. Something is wrong when propaganda becomes the news.

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This judge - behavior is simply exhaustingly a n g e r i n g, Mamas. Help .S T O P.

these patriarchs / their m a l e - identifying sycophants, themselves a b u s e r s ... ... as well.

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This exact judge recently called me a liar when I brought up domestic violence and alcohol in court. My child's father has totalled several cars, hasn't worked in many years, and has given me many scars. I have photos of my head pouring blood onto a bandaged arm in a bathroom with a makeshift bed visible in a bathroom. It was the only room connected to my sons room where I could lock the door. I have a police report. I have witnesses. I was told I was not credible and only the recorded incidents happened, not the ones I tried to explain in court. The father had been arrested 6 months prior to the ruling for drunken disorderly conduct and the officer testified. I was told my son should go to school by his dad and he should live with him 50/50 on a schedule where I do all the driving even though it hurts me because I have to work and it's far from home. I have another child that it hurts. This judge caters to men even if they hurt women, even if they have failed drug tests on record, even if they have proof dad is a bum and still drinking. All dad has to do is walk in court and say mom is a liar and that last day I was arrested is the last day I drank. I live in fear he will drive drunk or raise his hands to my son. No one cares. The guardian ad litem attacked me in court for not being congenial with the father. The social worker couldn't even get my kids name right in her report and wrote she interviewed people in my family that never happened. Oh, I was found in contempt too... and told I had to pay the guardian ad idiot too. I once read women are more likely to lose everything they ask for if they bring up domestic violence in court, now I truly believe that is a fact. The courts don't care about the children, only using parents who love their children to drag out insanely expensive cases. I'm still thousands in the hole and can't afford to fight anymore no matter how bad I would have loved to appeal my case for this judge's actions against me.

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