This happened to awaken women to the power that is theirs as protectors of children and to show the pedophiles and their supporters that we do not accept their agenda. Women it’s time to take back our rightful place in society, we have always been superior when it comes to the care of children, from the moment of conception, we carry them and it is OUR bodies that infuse life into them for nine months. After they are born, it is OUR bodies that provide perfect nourishment to give our children the best start in life . OUR bodies have this ingenious design, NOT theirs. Just as we are the source of life to our children, it is our right to protect our children. We are superior in so many other ways with intuition and spirituality, both hemispheres of our brains work together at higher levels. Males know this and perhaps that’s why for centuries they have behaved out of fear trying to enslave us with their corrupt system. Fear results in a need to control. Women rise and stand in our power, our feminine energy that will usher in a new system based on LOVE and the best interests of our children. It is time. LOVE holds more power than fear ever will. It is up to us to create the world that we desire and it IS possible.

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Family court judges abuse their power. They have the power to take and endanger children. Family court judges often give child custody to males that request it. It doesn't matter if they're abusive, have untreated psychiatric issues, are the biological father, are citizens and/or are rapists. Facts and evidence don't make a difference. New laws and training sessions don't matter. The best interests of the child don't make a difference. Systemic male entitlement fuels family court. Children are treated like male property. Male and female family court judges knowingly give child custody to abusive males. They are rewarded with increased status. Family court judges are then further empowered to harm women and children. These judges face no consequences. Their opinion is all that matters. Family court judges enable abusers and seal records. They falsely call good mothers bad and/or crazy. These judges often treat women like criminals for trying to protect their children. Family court judges allow abusers to traumatize children. Brainwashed children often bond with their abusers. The mother-child bond is damaged. Loving mothers and their children are frequently separated in family court. They are forced to suffer. Patriarchy dominates family court. Family court judges have the power to harm women and children. These judges must no longer have the power to do so. Juries offer some hope for justice. Children deserve to be safe. Women must continue to unite and fight for a new system. Family court judges must be disempowered. They must no longer have the power to hurt mothers and their children. Family court must end.

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This is a great cause and has a great story explaining all of the cases highlighted - though - I do believe voices need heard and action needs taken…but what about the mother who is actively fighting? Why isn’t this page set up to directly help a mother being financially drained and burdened to stay in the court game and be able to fulfill her conquest to protect her child(ren)? We have donations going to being a member but where are those donations for active participation paying endlessly into a broken system? Why are protecting and advocating mothers ending up in major debt or get to the point they no longer can pay to keep their child(ren) safe because not everyone can hold a SIX FIGURE debt and then some. I am speaking from experience. Women don’t choose to be ripped around and taken to court by malicious ex’s who don’t want to give up their control and want to take the most precious part of a woman’s soul away to try to destroy her…mentally, emotionally, physically, financially… having hand to hand or arm to arm support is so needed but also the funds needed to succeed are necessary too- where is that help at? No one chooses to get sick either, but funds are started up without skipping a beat for that type of unasked drag down fight- fighting an ex in a court system is just as bad if not worse than having a sickness you have to fight to stay here for. People hold up and have so much compassion for the sick, but not so much for the mom fighting her ass off to help her children and in the meantime gets sick from the constant fight or flight, abuses, tactics, lies, manipulation, patriarchy court system, children in danger and hearing and knowing about the abuses they endure while with their donor of a dad who plays his “part” well once you leave just for the camera- so public can believe he is so good and push on our children how “wonderful” their abusive dad is. Don’t forget about the gaslighting happening to moms, so much so that random people try to attack her. As our children are seeing this and getting reinforcements that the abusive behaviors are “welcomed” by others and the person trying so hard to keep them safe and give them a chance is being treated and spoke about by reinforcing cogs by the gaslighter. Having the funds to stay in the game is NECESSARY if we ever want to turn this ship around… how strong is a voice of so many mothers who had to give up the fight because money ran out? Do we think she is perceived well or do you think others discard her and say “she should have kept fighting…she should have got more money somehow… she must have not been saying the truth because now look- he has custody… those mothers voices got silenced the second their funds could no longer withstand the battle of the abuser. It is too much for most to go through. Some can’t even work due to the amount of time needed for court issues along with the amount of mental and emotional abuse she has to endure for YEARS not just by him anymore - but now WITH THE HELP of who she started out thinking the court system would be a protector and seek safety with her - and instead we end up fighting the ex and a whole system… in my case a county! Where are the FUNDS to help women stay in the game?!? Do you start go fund me’s for individuals?? That would free up more moms to have more of a voice and more time to help fight this DISEASE!

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I went into hiding and I’m currently fighting for my freedom. I went to the battered mothers conference in hopes of finding resources. That was a complete bust! I had money and was looking for an attorney. I got all these contacts while there only to go home and email them to not get one single response from anyone! The things we need are resources and financial support! Without those two key elements we will continue to go unnoticed while our children are snatched away and given to monsters! We must put our heads together pull up our bootstraps and organize, canvas, and take the fight to the law makers. We are in the age of social media we could be using it to educate, mobilize and recruit for the cause. There are so many mothers who are suffering and have no clue how to empower themselves in this fight! I can attest to this because I myself was one of them. I impassioned about this not just because of my babies, but for all mothers and children who are /or will go through this! Nothing has ever broke me like hearing my kids ask me: “why did this happen to me?” and “I don’t believe in GOD because if he were real he wouldn’t be allowing this to happen to us.” These are some of the last things my babies said to me knowing I had to turn myself in because we had run out of resources to stay in hiding!

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