Brody, an American pop singer originally from Australia, finally spoke out publicly this week about her children being stolen from her via Family Court.
Brody and many others have been misled into believing the injustice in family court is from gender-neutral corruption. This distraction serves a purpose. It steers people away from the reality of what is really occurring in family court. It dilutes and drains individuals and groups. It weakens women and strengthens men. This gaslighting must stop. The fog of war that mothers are staggering through must begin to lift. Misdirected actions do not bring about change. New laws do no good when judges do not follow them and face no consequences. Injustice in family court is due to systemic male entitlement. The old boys' network must no longer be able to function as a puppet master. Family court judges must be stripped of their power, and we must establish a new system. This is the only way to protect mothers and children post-separation. Gender-neutral corruption does not rule family court. Patriarchy dominates family court.
I agree with this 10000%. It’s sooo far out of control that unfortunately even women judges, GALs and attorneys and these women “reunification” psychs believe in this whacko RICO scam and taking abused children from women/abused women. The must be a court just to handle DV, trauma and abuse (civil court) where judges have oversight and accountability!!
There must be training and nothing can be sealed. No more reunification camps no matter what!!
These evil ppl must be put out of business and put behind bars for torturing us and our kids!!
I will help do that in whatever way after what they have done to my kids and myself
We will never stop the fight to stop this trauma and abuse on ALL levels to women and children 💔
-And nobody has said sorry. And I don't get to see my child or speak to my child. And they still have their ill-gotten gains. And I was a really good mom. And the medical records consulting company doesn't seem to let me have the right medicine to treat the illnesses they inflict, instead they manufacture records to support their crime like HIT men (Healthcare Information Technology men).
It may be important to point out that in Wisconsin guardian ad litem are paid for by the parents at the rate selected by the judge. The judge also chooses the attorney to serve as guardian ad litem, ours was mandated at a rate of $320.00. In 2019 the court mandated payments in excess of $150,000.00. Additional evidence points to corruption payments in the approximate amount of $500,000.00.
There is evidence of the father's payments and conceivably payments for abuses. There is evidence of the father making payments for goods or services which are concealed as things other than what they purport to be. Evidence points to the participants in the conspiracy to violate civil rights receiving approximately $580,000 for their decisions and using international travel in their pursuits. Details on the transaction and documentation of sale were withheld, but it is clear that the unaccounted-for amount is $581,378.73, and it is reasonable to conclude that $581,378.73 is the amount paid to the members of this conspiracy along with the court’s excessive mandated fees. (Perhaps less the $81,000 dollars which became the father's 2018 Tesla)
$4,172,692.88 gross sale of securities
$0,095,740.07 exercised options
$4,268,432.95 total to be accounted for
$4,268,432.95 total to be accounted for
- minus ‘loan’ proceeds withheld by corporate
$0,579,452.88 = (3,688,980.07)
- minus wire to father's attorney
$2,293,199.30 = (1,395,780.77)
- minus GAL Mandatory Fees
$0,189,999.02 = (1,205,781.75)
- minus amount sent to Mother
$0,624,403.02 = (581,378.73)
$0,581,378.73 amount paid to corruption/conspiracy
Additional evidence suggests that $580,000 was picked up in Hong Kong on December 7, 2017, prior to the April 18, 2018 hearing at which the Judge handed down his irrational judgments based on his WANT. The fact that State government leader of WEDC, Sam R. travels to Hong Kong regularly on Foxx Conn business, which is only connected by the fact that Sam R. followed the mother into the courthouse on April 19, 2019, and upon entry was greeted like royalty. Sam was involved in the company's funding / fraud and had a related investment in the company, and likely corrupted the entire legal proceeding to conceal the fraud. The meta data for the purported filing made by Sam on April 19, 2019 is undiscovered, but the mother has been denied the security camera footage from that day. Significant information because on April 19, 2019, Notice and Motion for Contempt, to enforce the father's obligation to disclose his income. Notice and Motion for Contempt, Cir. Ct. R. 227, April 19, 2019. (DKT. 48 - Ex. 9). Of crucial importance is the fact that the court provided the date and time for the hearing a month later upon issuing, Notice of Hearing, Cir. Ct. R. 234, May 21, 2019., (DKT. 48 - Ex. 10.), but the provision of date and time of the hearing occurred after responses from the father and the corporate party joiner which referred to the date and time for the hearing. Letter to Court re No Position on Contempt Hearing Cir. Ct. R. 228. May 15, 2019. (DKT. 48 - Ex. 6); Letter to Court re No Position on July Hearing, Cir. Ct. R. 229, May 15, 2019. (DKT. 48 - Ex. 7); Notice of Motion and Motion for Dismissal of Order to Show Cause filed April 19, 2019, Cir. Ct. R. 230, May 15, 2019; (DKT. 48 - Ex. 11). Affidavit of [Father] in Support of Motion to Dismiss Contempt Action Filed April 19,2019, Cir. Ct. R. 231, May 15, 2019 (DKT. 48 - Ex. 1); Motion to Dismiss Request Filed March 29, 2019 for a New Order Resulting from April 18, 2018, Cir. Ct. R. 232, May15, 2019. (DKT. 48 - Ex. 8); Affidavit of [Father] in Support of Motion to Dismiss Request Filed March 29, 2019, Cir. Ct. R. 233, May 15, 2019. (DKT. 48 - Ex. 2). Here is a chain of communication in a documentary form that instructs the circuit court on what the circuit court should do, which the court then accepts with Notice of Hearing, Cir. Ct. R. 234, May 21, 2019. (DKT. 48 - Ex. 10). The only way they could have known the date and time of the hearing would be through discussion with the court employees, inappropriately, a clear act of conspiring, which makes the veracity of the alleged conspiracy to violate civil rights in the corrupt legal proceedings undoubtable. The April 18, 2018 hearing of course led to the 2019 judicial threat and abuses of the mother's contractual and civil rights. This evidence is the result of an FBI report and the legal case related to the movement of $580,000 from the Pennsylvania law firm of O'Neill, Bragg & Staffin, (OBS), which is tied to the 2015/2019 merger.
The Pennsylvania law firm, O'Neill, Bragg & Staffin, (OBS), represented the 2015 offer for the purchase of father’s stock by H Solutions. Titled “PROJECT HASHTAG” See (DKT 22 ¶123-124). The hard to believe story told by Bragg and Staffin in their report of missing money, certainly could be the cover story to account for the money’s disappearance. Although, the computer companies are advanced in their technological capacities, the story of a hacker sending an email from Bragg’s account is rather difficult to digest. Details of the money’s disappearance, conceivably intentionally wired into the hands of corruption is found in, O'Neill, Bragg & Staffin, P.C. v. Bank of Am. Corp., CIVIL ACTION No. 18-2109 (E.D. Pa. Nov. 13, 2018).
There is a copy of the Dad’s credit card statement which was exchanged during discovery. The credit card statement has a March 1, 2017 payment of $9,570.75 AMERICAN DREAM HOME IMPR 630-353-1900 IL. There is a corresponding building permit, BLDRPR-2016-15825, for the tear off and replace the roof project at his past domicile issued to AMERICAN DREAM HOME IMPROVEMENTS INC. It was filed with the City on December 1, 2016; however, the roof was new in 2014, and it is the same roof. The roof was new in 2012 and the new roof was estimated at the cost of $11,000. It is unlikely that the father replaced the roof in the month of December at a lower cost. The building permit estimated $10,000 dollars, (Ex. 7) but winterization of the project would have been necessary for a December re-roof, and would increase costs past the 2012 price. Damage from an act of God would have been covered by the homeowner’s policy, so clearly the permit was not a necessary repair. The building permit and the corresponding credit card purchase was a snow job, an appropriate turn of phrase, for a winter roofing project with the double meaning that there was no job, a trick. No inspection was called in for the permit by the contractor or homeowner. The mother’s residence was vandalized, with poison left in the crawlspace, and that vandalism is suspected to have been done by construction workers. Father’s payment and permit for work not done occurred around the time that Environmental Construction may have left the toxic waste in the crawlspace of the mother's home. (DKT 22 ¶114-117) The transaction also occurred around the time that the mother began experiencing health concerns and noticed the invasion of biological weaponry, brown marmorated beetles. (DKT 22 ¶118).
MORE Evidence of financial misdeeds points to concealment of funds in the entities B080480 Breathe for Change, Inc., originally registered with the WI DFI on 04/02/2015 as a non-stock corporation (41. Exhibit. WI DFI B080480, WI Corp. R. Search <>, enter B080480, select B080480 to view index of filings, Last Visited 04/28/2023.). B081907 became B091300 though the prior name of B4C, LLC not disclosed on the foreign entity registration, (42. Exhibit WI DFI B091300 WI Corp. R. Search. <>, enter B091300, select listing to view index of filings) (43. Exhibit WI DFI B081970 WI Corp. R. Search. <>, enter B081970, select listing to view index of filings); but the Delaware corporate registration, Certificate of Incorporation, K Schliener Incorporator, clearly states that Breathe for Change Inc., Delaware was formerly Wisconsin entity B4C, LLC., (44. Exhibit DE. S.O.S, Breathe for Change Certificate of Incorporation), B4C, LLC. B081970, is therefore the former name of Breathe for Change Inc. B091300, (45. Exhibit WI DFI B091300 Foreign Business Corporation Certificate of Authority Application). The registered founders are close friends of the father’s, one was purported to be romanticly involved with the father. In May of 2017 Breathe for Change, Inc. filed a 2016’s 1952 checklist, as a charitable organization. Form 1952 shows a deposit purported to be a contribution of $151,430 dollars. (46. Exhibit WI DFI B080480, Breathe for Change Inc. 1952 checklist). Without a doubt some of that money was paid to the father as a paycheck, Cir. Ct. R. 192 at 48., contains those proof of employment.
The company WI DFI B091300 purports 1.2 million in assets, the amount of my missing half of the property likely being used to pay for the ongoing stalking and harassment and influance.
Why the crisis. Law is for sale, and “markets without rules are theft. So even in places where markets can work, the government has a role to play in making sure that the rules create a level playing field and that those rules are consistently enforced.” Elizabeth Warren, Rolling Stone, (Dec. 19, 2019).
In her sale of a child the guardian ad litem purported the child made up the allegations by equivocating the child’s phrasing of “made up” to mean a lie, instead of how the child used the phrase, to mean “created.” The report states the child said he “made up the game and played it 100s of times” (Soc. Servs. Case Masterfile). There was also a videotaped excited utterance of the child's initial disclosure of abuse.
Where there are rules, they are not enforced by the state because the Federal courts are hesitent to hear cases on family and the cost of fighting is too high:
The participants in arbitration were required by Wis. Stat. §. 788.14 to submit to the circuit court copies of the full transcripts, but the father’s submission of only a partial transcript demonstrates the mal-intention of the conspiracy's use of Wis. Stat. § 802.12.
Also not followed was UCCJEA, Wis. Stat. § 822.29, requirements for sworn statements and/or affidavits which would have included information on prior custody and placement orders and decrees:
Cir. Ct. R. 44, Stipulation;
Cir. Ct. R. 48, Stipulation and Amended Order;
Cir. Ct. R. 109, Partial Marital Settlement Agreement Regarding Custody and Placement;
Cir. Ct. R. 320, Temporary Order;
Cir. Ct. R. 332, Amended Temporary Order Regarding Arbitration and Placement Study.
As initiators, the father and his attorney were required to include an affidavit meeting the standards of the UCCJEA, Wis. Stat. § 822.29. This failure enabled the faulty reasoning in the arbitration decision; “as far as I can tell, again, the unfounded allegations of molestation of [the child], these all impede satisfactory communication between the parents.” and “There is no evidence that either party engaged in abuse of the child.” Cir. Ct. R. 488 at 35. Order Confirming Arbitration Decision and Amending Judgment of Divorce. (Cir. Ct. R. 488). According to State v. Badzinski, the elements which form abuse under Wis. Stat. § 948.02 (1)(e), “are: 1) that the defendant had sexual contact with the victim; and 2) that the victim was under the age of 13 years at the time of the alleged sexual contact. It is these elements that the jury must unanimously agree upon.” State v. Badzinski, 843 N.W.2d 29, 35 (Wis. 2014).
Basically, the lawyers sold the child to his abusive parent using the state's open door for corruption in family court.
This is a prime example of the many many cases where this has happened way too much. Putting a stop to throw corruption may seem like a monumental task as the status quo has gone one way too long. We women must find the strength to redirect criminal direction even if our knees and voices shake.
As a paralegal who has advocated for sex trafficking victims for over 30 years now, I can tell you SOME of the problem is a lack of the ability to hire an attorney, and a lack of understanding how the court works. If anyone is in this position and needs help I can offer only as a paralegal, please reach out to me.
I was a "family law" attorney in that sick system in the You Ess for 42+ years before finally resigning in disgust in 2019 when I discovered the full extent of the hoax. In 1999 I wrote this article hoping that exposing the sytemic abuse would be enough. It wasn't. Attempting to get justice in their fake corporate system will NEVER work, unless they have other, profit based reasons to do so, like being bribed. The organized BAR is a criminal operation. These "people" are gangsters and parasitic psychopaths. Awarding custody to abusers churns up profit generating litigation. The only hope I see is in organizing our own people's common law courts and that's exactly what I'm now doing. Ohioans are welcome to join us and I will help anyone in any other state form their own people's common law court under God's law as well. I also do a common law interactive broadcast every Thursday night at 9 p.m. Eastern:
All true but we must NAME ALL THE JUDGES to get the ball rolling. Also, I'd like to create some kind of a tally regarding each and quote them(!) because if those that don't understand the crux of the biscuit are to care at all, they might if they hear the ghastly, sadistic, unlawful? kinds of words we have to listen to in open court such as an elder woman could be "burned out" of her house --Judge John H sugiyama,¹ Martinez, California. And "Don't worry honey, you can go on welfare" --judge Watson, Butte County, California. We have to expose these heartless, racketeering, Woman hating/children abusing, demonic sub-humans AND their supporters(!), including where they got educated to practice law. Shame the AND and the taxpayer-funded, toothless, willfully impotent watchdog agencies that allow these miscreants to profit and gain prestige in the network of psychopaths just like them referred to as the "good old boys club".
And if you didn't put it there and I didn't put it there then there's more clear evidence that they're still monitoring me in cyberspace same as it ever was and a warning to everyone they will come after you and this is the hill I will die on and they know it and they have threatened my life more than once and they have movie trapped my physical environment by reading my home and setting up hazardous conditions including two collapses. This is the very real War On Women. Hit us where it hurts. Our reputations. Our records. Our homes. Our privacy. Our money. Our health. Our support systems. Our defense. Our rights. Our families. Our kids. They got all mine.
I appreciate, Ms Dumas, your eloquently delineating for US of the NONcustodial MASSES of MOTHERS this ... ... MUCKING MISINFORMATION.
WHY THIS CRISIS ? = PATRIARCHY in " family " " law " W O R L D W I D E.
Brody and many others have been misled into believing the injustice in family court is from gender-neutral corruption. This distraction serves a purpose. It steers people away from the reality of what is really occurring in family court. It dilutes and drains individuals and groups. It weakens women and strengthens men. This gaslighting must stop. The fog of war that mothers are staggering through must begin to lift. Misdirected actions do not bring about change. New laws do no good when judges do not follow them and face no consequences. Injustice in family court is due to systemic male entitlement. The old boys' network must no longer be able to function as a puppet master. Family court judges must be stripped of their power, and we must establish a new system. This is the only way to protect mothers and children post-separation. Gender-neutral corruption does not rule family court. Patriarchy dominates family court.
I agree with this 10000%. It’s sooo far out of control that unfortunately even women judges, GALs and attorneys and these women “reunification” psychs believe in this whacko RICO scam and taking abused children from women/abused women. The must be a court just to handle DV, trauma and abuse (civil court) where judges have oversight and accountability!!
There must be training and nothing can be sealed. No more reunification camps no matter what!!
These evil ppl must be put out of business and put behind bars for torturing us and our kids!!
I will help do that in whatever way after what they have done to my kids and myself
We will never stop the fight to stop this trauma and abuse on ALL levels to women and children 💔
-And nobody has said sorry. And I don't get to see my child or speak to my child. And they still have their ill-gotten gains. And I was a really good mom. And the medical records consulting company doesn't seem to let me have the right medicine to treat the illnesses they inflict, instead they manufacture records to support their crime like HIT men (Healthcare Information Technology men).
It may be important to point out that in Wisconsin guardian ad litem are paid for by the parents at the rate selected by the judge. The judge also chooses the attorney to serve as guardian ad litem, ours was mandated at a rate of $320.00. In 2019 the court mandated payments in excess of $150,000.00. Additional evidence points to corruption payments in the approximate amount of $500,000.00.
There is evidence of the father's payments and conceivably payments for abuses. There is evidence of the father making payments for goods or services which are concealed as things other than what they purport to be. Evidence points to the participants in the conspiracy to violate civil rights receiving approximately $580,000 for their decisions and using international travel in their pursuits. Details on the transaction and documentation of sale were withheld, but it is clear that the unaccounted-for amount is $581,378.73, and it is reasonable to conclude that $581,378.73 is the amount paid to the members of this conspiracy along with the court’s excessive mandated fees. (Perhaps less the $81,000 dollars which became the father's 2018 Tesla)
$4,172,692.88 gross sale of securities
$0,095,740.07 exercised options
$4,268,432.95 total to be accounted for
$4,268,432.95 total to be accounted for
- minus ‘loan’ proceeds withheld by corporate
$0,579,452.88 = (3,688,980.07)
- minus wire to father's attorney
$2,293,199.30 = (1,395,780.77)
- minus GAL Mandatory Fees
$0,189,999.02 = (1,205,781.75)
- minus amount sent to Mother
$0,624,403.02 = (581,378.73)
$0,581,378.73 amount paid to corruption/conspiracy
Additional evidence suggests that $580,000 was picked up in Hong Kong on December 7, 2017, prior to the April 18, 2018 hearing at which the Judge handed down his irrational judgments based on his WANT. The fact that State government leader of WEDC, Sam R. travels to Hong Kong regularly on Foxx Conn business, which is only connected by the fact that Sam R. followed the mother into the courthouse on April 19, 2019, and upon entry was greeted like royalty. Sam was involved in the company's funding / fraud and had a related investment in the company, and likely corrupted the entire legal proceeding to conceal the fraud. The meta data for the purported filing made by Sam on April 19, 2019 is undiscovered, but the mother has been denied the security camera footage from that day. Significant information because on April 19, 2019, Notice and Motion for Contempt, to enforce the father's obligation to disclose his income. Notice and Motion for Contempt, Cir. Ct. R. 227, April 19, 2019. (DKT. 48 - Ex. 9). Of crucial importance is the fact that the court provided the date and time for the hearing a month later upon issuing, Notice of Hearing, Cir. Ct. R. 234, May 21, 2019., (DKT. 48 - Ex. 10.), but the provision of date and time of the hearing occurred after responses from the father and the corporate party joiner which referred to the date and time for the hearing. Letter to Court re No Position on Contempt Hearing Cir. Ct. R. 228. May 15, 2019. (DKT. 48 - Ex. 6); Letter to Court re No Position on July Hearing, Cir. Ct. R. 229, May 15, 2019. (DKT. 48 - Ex. 7); Notice of Motion and Motion for Dismissal of Order to Show Cause filed April 19, 2019, Cir. Ct. R. 230, May 15, 2019; (DKT. 48 - Ex. 11). Affidavit of [Father] in Support of Motion to Dismiss Contempt Action Filed April 19,2019, Cir. Ct. R. 231, May 15, 2019 (DKT. 48 - Ex. 1); Motion to Dismiss Request Filed March 29, 2019 for a New Order Resulting from April 18, 2018, Cir. Ct. R. 232, May15, 2019. (DKT. 48 - Ex. 8); Affidavit of [Father] in Support of Motion to Dismiss Request Filed March 29, 2019, Cir. Ct. R. 233, May 15, 2019. (DKT. 48 - Ex. 2). Here is a chain of communication in a documentary form that instructs the circuit court on what the circuit court should do, which the court then accepts with Notice of Hearing, Cir. Ct. R. 234, May 21, 2019. (DKT. 48 - Ex. 10). The only way they could have known the date and time of the hearing would be through discussion with the court employees, inappropriately, a clear act of conspiring, which makes the veracity of the alleged conspiracy to violate civil rights in the corrupt legal proceedings undoubtable. The April 18, 2018 hearing of course led to the 2019 judicial threat and abuses of the mother's contractual and civil rights. This evidence is the result of an FBI report and the legal case related to the movement of $580,000 from the Pennsylvania law firm of O'Neill, Bragg & Staffin, (OBS), which is tied to the 2015/2019 merger.
The Pennsylvania law firm, O'Neill, Bragg & Staffin, (OBS), represented the 2015 offer for the purchase of father’s stock by H Solutions. Titled “PROJECT HASHTAG” See (DKT 22 ¶123-124). The hard to believe story told by Bragg and Staffin in their report of missing money, certainly could be the cover story to account for the money’s disappearance. Although, the computer companies are advanced in their technological capacities, the story of a hacker sending an email from Bragg’s account is rather difficult to digest. Details of the money’s disappearance, conceivably intentionally wired into the hands of corruption is found in, O'Neill, Bragg & Staffin, P.C. v. Bank of Am. Corp., CIVIL ACTION No. 18-2109 (E.D. Pa. Nov. 13, 2018).
There is a copy of the Dad’s credit card statement which was exchanged during discovery. The credit card statement has a March 1, 2017 payment of $9,570.75 AMERICAN DREAM HOME IMPR 630-353-1900 IL. There is a corresponding building permit, BLDRPR-2016-15825, for the tear off and replace the roof project at his past domicile issued to AMERICAN DREAM HOME IMPROVEMENTS INC. It was filed with the City on December 1, 2016; however, the roof was new in 2014, and it is the same roof. The roof was new in 2012 and the new roof was estimated at the cost of $11,000. It is unlikely that the father replaced the roof in the month of December at a lower cost. The building permit estimated $10,000 dollars, (Ex. 7) but winterization of the project would have been necessary for a December re-roof, and would increase costs past the 2012 price. Damage from an act of God would have been covered by the homeowner’s policy, so clearly the permit was not a necessary repair. The building permit and the corresponding credit card purchase was a snow job, an appropriate turn of phrase, for a winter roofing project with the double meaning that there was no job, a trick. No inspection was called in for the permit by the contractor or homeowner. The mother’s residence was vandalized, with poison left in the crawlspace, and that vandalism is suspected to have been done by construction workers. Father’s payment and permit for work not done occurred around the time that Environmental Construction may have left the toxic waste in the crawlspace of the mother's home. (DKT 22 ¶114-117) The transaction also occurred around the time that the mother began experiencing health concerns and noticed the invasion of biological weaponry, brown marmorated beetles. (DKT 22 ¶118).
MORE Evidence of financial misdeeds points to concealment of funds in the entities B080480 Breathe for Change, Inc., originally registered with the WI DFI on 04/02/2015 as a non-stock corporation (41. Exhibit. WI DFI B080480, WI Corp. R. Search <>, enter B080480, select B080480 to view index of filings, Last Visited 04/28/2023.). B081907 became B091300 though the prior name of B4C, LLC not disclosed on the foreign entity registration, (42. Exhibit WI DFI B091300 WI Corp. R. Search. <>, enter B091300, select listing to view index of filings) (43. Exhibit WI DFI B081970 WI Corp. R. Search. <>, enter B081970, select listing to view index of filings); but the Delaware corporate registration, Certificate of Incorporation, K Schliener Incorporator, clearly states that Breathe for Change Inc., Delaware was formerly Wisconsin entity B4C, LLC., (44. Exhibit DE. S.O.S, Breathe for Change Certificate of Incorporation), B4C, LLC. B081970, is therefore the former name of Breathe for Change Inc. B091300, (45. Exhibit WI DFI B091300 Foreign Business Corporation Certificate of Authority Application). The registered founders are close friends of the father’s, one was purported to be romanticly involved with the father. In May of 2017 Breathe for Change, Inc. filed a 2016’s 1952 checklist, as a charitable organization. Form 1952 shows a deposit purported to be a contribution of $151,430 dollars. (46. Exhibit WI DFI B080480, Breathe for Change Inc. 1952 checklist). Without a doubt some of that money was paid to the father as a paycheck, Cir. Ct. R. 192 at 48., contains those proof of employment.
The company WI DFI B091300 purports 1.2 million in assets, the amount of my missing half of the property likely being used to pay for the ongoing stalking and harassment and influance.
Why the crisis. Law is for sale, and “markets without rules are theft. So even in places where markets can work, the government has a role to play in making sure that the rules create a level playing field and that those rules are consistently enforced.” Elizabeth Warren, Rolling Stone, (Dec. 19, 2019).
In her sale of a child the guardian ad litem purported the child made up the allegations by equivocating the child’s phrasing of “made up” to mean a lie, instead of how the child used the phrase, to mean “created.” The report states the child said he “made up the game and played it 100s of times” (Soc. Servs. Case Masterfile). There was also a videotaped excited utterance of the child's initial disclosure of abuse.
Where there are rules, they are not enforced by the state because the Federal courts are hesitent to hear cases on family and the cost of fighting is too high:
The participants in arbitration were required by Wis. Stat. §. 788.14 to submit to the circuit court copies of the full transcripts, but the father’s submission of only a partial transcript demonstrates the mal-intention of the conspiracy's use of Wis. Stat. § 802.12.
Also not followed was UCCJEA, Wis. Stat. § 822.29, requirements for sworn statements and/or affidavits which would have included information on prior custody and placement orders and decrees:
Cir. Ct. R. 44, Stipulation;
Cir. Ct. R. 48, Stipulation and Amended Order;
Cir. Ct. R. 109, Partial Marital Settlement Agreement Regarding Custody and Placement;
Cir. Ct. R. 320, Temporary Order;
Cir. Ct. R. 332, Amended Temporary Order Regarding Arbitration and Placement Study.
As initiators, the father and his attorney were required to include an affidavit meeting the standards of the UCCJEA, Wis. Stat. § 822.29. This failure enabled the faulty reasoning in the arbitration decision; “as far as I can tell, again, the unfounded allegations of molestation of [the child], these all impede satisfactory communication between the parents.” and “There is no evidence that either party engaged in abuse of the child.” Cir. Ct. R. 488 at 35. Order Confirming Arbitration Decision and Amending Judgment of Divorce. (Cir. Ct. R. 488). According to State v. Badzinski, the elements which form abuse under Wis. Stat. § 948.02 (1)(e), “are: 1) that the defendant had sexual contact with the victim; and 2) that the victim was under the age of 13 years at the time of the alleged sexual contact. It is these elements that the jury must unanimously agree upon.” State v. Badzinski, 843 N.W.2d 29, 35 (Wis. 2014).
Basically, the lawyers sold the child to his abusive parent using the state's open door for corruption in family court.
This is a prime example of the many many cases where this has happened way too much. Putting a stop to throw corruption may seem like a monumental task as the status quo has gone one way too long. We women must find the strength to redirect criminal direction even if our knees and voices shake.
As a paralegal who has advocated for sex trafficking victims for over 30 years now, I can tell you SOME of the problem is a lack of the ability to hire an attorney, and a lack of understanding how the court works. If anyone is in this position and needs help I can offer only as a paralegal, please reach out to me.
I was a "family law" attorney in that sick system in the You Ess for 42+ years before finally resigning in disgust in 2019 when I discovered the full extent of the hoax. In 1999 I wrote this article hoping that exposing the sytemic abuse would be enough. It wasn't. Attempting to get justice in their fake corporate system will NEVER work, unless they have other, profit based reasons to do so, like being bribed. The organized BAR is a criminal operation. These "people" are gangsters and parasitic psychopaths. Awarding custody to abusers churns up profit generating litigation. The only hope I see is in organizing our own people's common law courts and that's exactly what I'm now doing. Ohioans are welcome to join us and I will help anyone in any other state form their own people's common law court under God's law as well. I also do a common law interactive broadcast every Thursday night at 9 p.m. Eastern:
All true but we must NAME ALL THE JUDGES to get the ball rolling. Also, I'd like to create some kind of a tally regarding each and quote them(!) because if those that don't understand the crux of the biscuit are to care at all, they might if they hear the ghastly, sadistic, unlawful? kinds of words we have to listen to in open court such as an elder woman could be "burned out" of her house --Judge John H sugiyama,¹ Martinez, California. And "Don't worry honey, you can go on welfare" --judge Watson, Butte County, California. We have to expose these heartless, racketeering, Woman hating/children abusing, demonic sub-humans AND their supporters(!), including where they got educated to practice law. Shame the AND and the taxpayer-funded, toothless, willfully impotent watchdog agencies that allow these miscreants to profit and gain prestige in the network of psychopaths just like them referred to as the "good old boys club".
Is that a footnote by belzabub's name?
And if you didn't put it there and I didn't put it there then there's more clear evidence that they're still monitoring me in cyberspace same as it ever was and a warning to everyone they will come after you and this is the hill I will die on and they know it and they have threatened my life more than once and they have movie trapped my physical environment by reading my home and setting up hazardous conditions including two collapses. This is the very real War On Women. Hit us where it hurts. Our reputations. Our records. Our homes. Our privacy. Our money. Our health. Our support systems. Our defense. Our rights. Our families. Our kids. They got all mine.