AMAZING WORK LADIES!!! I’m in tears (in a good way) that you didn’t recommend PA be excluded. PA is real...but is merely being used as a tool. I’m so relieved this has been discovered. And OVERALL...I am so happy and grateful to you all! Thank you so much!
I have a restraining order on this monster and they made me surrender her to his mother she had temp physical custody of my 4 year old daughter I can’t afford an attorney I have tried everything in my power I work I got us a place in Alaska paisley and I were going to counseling and they made me surrender her justice needs to be served
Childress may get a few things right about the definition but he mischaracterizes how it is used in family court by saying it is not gendered which is false, and he spouts much other disinformation too. He is also affiliated with fathers rights affiliates who push for mandatory shared parenting as the solution which is very harmful to mothers. We do not want to promote him in any way so this comment will be removed.
Please see this article for an explanation of how the pro alienation FRA's deceive mothers.
To add to your number 1 definition of PA, should include with the intention for the children to reject the targeted parent for “unfounded” reasons. It’s important for people to understand that if DV is happening by the rejected parent, it’s not PA. I think this point gets left out too often causing confusion between true PA and rejection of a parent due to abuse (not PA).
Fathers' rights activists use the term "targeted" as it has a gender neutral connotation which supports their assertion that mothers are falsely accusing fathers of abuse/alienating. So it is best to simply say that judges are routinely falsely accusing mothers of alienating and allowing fathers to alienate and that you are a victim of that form of discrimination in family court.
The UN have a Victims of Torture funding grants assistance program which The Womens Coalition could apply for. For financial assistance to mothers who are victims of long term psychological tortures caused by corrupt family law.
Stoje na stanowisku, że trzeba zakazać PAS/PAD/PA w sądach bo zawsze będzie działać na rzecz sprawców przemocy. Historia zatacza koło - wcześniej dzieci należały do ojca i teraz za sprawą tej teorii do tego się wraca. W Polsce też sądy na podstawie tej nienaukowej teorii odbierają dzieci matkom. Trzeba system sądowy zbudowac od początku i obarczać sędziów oraz biegłych karami za szkody wyrządzone kobietom i dzieciom - innej drogi nie ma.
I had my doubts about you after reading through your entire custody file. I also know a couple of your colleagues intimately and know they alienate children from their mothers (and fathers) to be vindictive.
You hit the nail on the head here. It does not matter the gender of the parent. Alienation is bad for the children. Most often it is fathers who want to avoid child support and punish the mother for leaving. In my case Tim Lynn collected over a quarter million dollars in child support and his mother Helen was able to punish me for leaving her son, by ending all contact between me and my younger child.
All with the blessing of several judges, both male and female.
This is really good in some parts but very counter-productive in others, we must all work to end parental alienation being used to exploit families, we must abolish PA and your position is harmful to mothers and children saying it should be kept, it can do no good to mothers at all, please rethink! argues that fathers alienate children from mothers.
Yes fathers turn children against mothers but it's a continuation of the abuse, not PA as Richard Gardner and his followers claim.
Forget Gardner. His theory of PAS was discredited long ago. And, remember, it is judges who are allowing the continuation of abuse and alienation is one specific form of abuse that needs to be separated from the others. For example, judges enable coercive control but that is not as serious or harmful as alienation.
What is really counterproductive is abolishing the term parental alienation. The problem is not the term but that judges have the power to falsely accuse women of alienation and to allow fathers to alienate. That is what we need to end. Judges will simply use something else if they aren't allowed to use PA. And we need that term because that describes what is really happening to mothers is what people outside the DVO/PPO movement understand.
Thinking like this is contributing to women and children being killed, particularly in Brazil. Please stop! We must abolish PA allegations and belief system, yes the problems of misogyny will remain, but we must remove each weapon they use until they are disarmed. Buying into 'alienation' serves nobody but violent fathers and the charlatans making money from it.
The Women's Coalition cannot give legal advice. If you decide you want to go public we may post about it if you send a summary to
AMAZING WORK LADIES!!! I’m in tears (in a good way) that you didn’t recommend PA be excluded. PA is real...but is merely being used as a tool. I’m so relieved this has been discovered. And OVERALL...I am so happy and grateful to you all! Thank you so much!
¡ Excellent ! ¡ Excellent ! ¡ Thank YOU ALL, 518 of 21 Countries ! ¡ Excellent !
I have a restraining order on this monster and they made me surrender her to his mother she had temp physical custody of my 4 year old daughter I can’t afford an attorney I have tried everything in my power I work I got us a place in Alaska paisley and I were going to counseling and they made me surrender her justice needs to be served
California took my daughter because I violated the court order and brought her where we were safe
Good work WC!! A few noticeable issues.
1. There are many explanations of PA but the one I find most descriptive is:
“A brutal & savage form of IPV spousal abuse, ex spousal abuse, using the child as a weapon” Dr Craig Childress
2. Alienation & estrangement are not interchangeable.
Alienation occurs due to the favoured parent, when NO legitimate abuse or neglect has been perpetrated by the target parent.
Estrangement occurs when there has been LEGITIMATE abuse or neglect by either parent.
3. PA does exist in the current DSM-5…just not under that name!
DSM-5 Diagnoses:
309.4 Adjustment Disorder with mixed disturbance of emotions & conduct
V61.20 Parent~Child Relational Problem
V61.29 Child Affected by Parental Relationship Distress
Childress may get a few things right about the definition but he mischaracterizes how it is used in family court by saying it is not gendered which is false, and he spouts much other disinformation too. He is also affiliated with fathers rights affiliates who push for mandatory shared parenting as the solution which is very harmful to mothers. We do not want to promote him in any way so this comment will be removed.
Please see this article for an explanation of how the pro alienation FRA's deceive mothers.
To add to your number 1 definition of PA, should include with the intention for the children to reject the targeted parent for “unfounded” reasons. It’s important for people to understand that if DV is happening by the rejected parent, it’s not PA. I think this point gets left out too often causing confusion between true PA and rejection of a parent due to abuse (not PA).
Fathers' rights activists use the term "targeted" as it has a gender neutral connotation which supports their assertion that mothers are falsely accusing fathers of abuse/alienating. So it is best to simply say that judges are routinely falsely accusing mothers of alienating and allowing fathers to alienate and that you are a victim of that form of discrimination in family court.
The UN have a Victims of Torture funding grants assistance program which The Womens Coalition could apply for. For financial assistance to mothers who are victims of long term psychological tortures caused by corrupt family law.
Stoje na stanowisku, że trzeba zakazać PAS/PAD/PA w sądach bo zawsze będzie działać na rzecz sprawców przemocy. Historia zatacza koło - wcześniej dzieci należały do ojca i teraz za sprawą tej teorii do tego się wraca. W Polsce też sądy na podstawie tej nienaukowej teorii odbierają dzieci matkom. Trzeba system sądowy zbudowac od początku i obarczać sędziów oraz biegłych karami za szkody wyrządzone kobietom i dzieciom - innej drogi nie ma.
Ms. Dumas, Bravo!
I had my doubts about you after reading through your entire custody file. I also know a couple of your colleagues intimately and know they alienate children from their mothers (and fathers) to be vindictive.
You hit the nail on the head here. It does not matter the gender of the parent. Alienation is bad for the children. Most often it is fathers who want to avoid child support and punish the mother for leaving. In my case Tim Lynn collected over a quarter million dollars in child support and his mother Helen was able to punish me for leaving her son, by ending all contact between me and my younger child.
All with the blessing of several judges, both male and female.
I don’t have a lawyer or even money to fly
This is really good in some parts but very counter-productive in others, we must all work to end parental alienation being used to exploit families, we must abolish PA and your position is harmful to mothers and children saying it should be kept, it can do no good to mothers at all, please rethink! argues that fathers alienate children from mothers.
Yes fathers turn children against mothers but it's a continuation of the abuse, not PA as Richard Gardner and his followers claim.
Forget Gardner. His theory of PAS was discredited long ago. And, remember, it is judges who are allowing the continuation of abuse and alienation is one specific form of abuse that needs to be separated from the others. For example, judges enable coercive control but that is not as serious or harmful as alienation.
What is really counterproductive is abolishing the term parental alienation. The problem is not the term but that judges have the power to falsely accuse women of alienation and to allow fathers to alienate. That is what we need to end. Judges will simply use something else if they aren't allowed to use PA. And we need that term because that describes what is really happening to mothers is what people outside the DVO/PPO movement understand.
It's explained in more depth here:
Thinking like this is contributing to women and children being killed, particularly in Brazil. Please stop! We must abolish PA allegations and belief system, yes the problems of misogyny will remain, but we must remove each weapon they use until they are disarmed. Buying into 'alienation' serves nobody but violent fathers and the charlatans making money from it.
My next court date is January 3 and the 6 trial for custody and the move away order I filed and idk what to do
What do I do so this doesn’t happen to me
I need help please
The Women's Coalition cannot give legal advice. If you decide you want to go public we may post about it if you send a summary to
I have to fly to California for court on the 3 and the 6th for custody and move away order that I filed