Thank you so much for posting this. This issue has troubled me for awhile, especially the attacks I’ve seen by otherwise thoughtful leaders against women who dare to even utter the term ‘alienation’. It has always struck me as so counterproductive and sad.
I have seen loads of women attack other women who are alienated from their children for using the term parental alienation. It totally re-victimizes them. Like they haven't suffered enough being cut off from their children and misrepresented as an unfit or abusive mother, to then be attacked for the word that explains what they have experienced or are experiencing.
The attorneys that support the parent who is creating the alienation is to blame. Its horrible, unspeakable and I am not sure how they live with themselves.
I enjoy your writing and thoughts but find working together to be a joke. Its all about the money and the shills that use made-up terms like "post-separation domestic violence" are working with the FRA's - follow the grants.
Alienation is theory and treatment. It isolates the child and reprograms them. Simple. They use "experiential therapy" "multimodal intervention" "mileu therapy" "psycho-education" - to me that's what should be talked about. Courts are purposely isolating and reprogramming abused kids - to switch their parental bond.
The DV club is in on it. Joan got over half million dollars for the alienation study and it was written by Dr. Leora Rosen. Joan met with Michael hayes of OCSE to coverup the intentional ignoring of child sexual abuse instructions in 2016 - I have the emails proving such - then her and Rosen got the grant.
There are a ton of DV programs working with father's rights - to produce bogus research and force women to capitulate. Look up Yale Fathers For Change - WTF - DV and drug addiction forcing kids ........
How are you going to work together when you close out valid research?
It's not all about the money. The core cause of the crisis is systemic male entitlement. Those who go along with that family court agenda are rewarded with money, promotions, and other kudos. Grants are given to organizations that do not identify the crisis as systemic discrimination against women, so they continue to mislead mothers about the true cause of the crisis.
Courts are only isolating and programming children who report abuse by fathers, not mothers. The kids don't need reprogramming because the mother never programmed them in the first place. Part of the programming is to trauma bond kids with the father. Judges do this to silence children about abuse by fathers, especially sexual abuse, and get them to agree to live with the father.
Not closing out valid research--it simply doesn't apply. There is no research on systemic male entitlement in family court.
Doreen, Can you share or tell me where I can view these emails you say prove Child abuse was ignored? It appears that you're making a public defaming, accusation here and I'd like to see the evidence you said you have. "The DV club is in on it. Joan got over half million dollars for the alienation study and it was written by Dr. Leora Rosen. Joan met with Michael hayes of OCSE to coverup the intentional ignoring of child sexual abuse instructions in 2016 - I have the emails proving such - then her and Rosen got the grant." Thank you I appreciate it LEM
I am not defaming I am telling the truth - the shills are working with father's rights and have been since 2001 when they got Greenbook grants. Safety is part of the scam. I embedded links to a few of the DV FR programs in that pedo article - I have more in this one
We all know people can alienate. Whether it is in the work environment, at school, at home or after separation. Instead of using a term like parental alienation, it is probably best to look at all the parental alienating behaviors (PABs) by the preferred parent as a form of child abuse towards the child, and family violence towards the rejected parent. Focusing on the term PA is not helpful as it's just two words and it is often misused (false claims of PA). Instead, paint the picture and explain all the behaviors, tactics and dynamics. I found this list really helpful. Tactics used by parents who alienate:
* Denigration associated with the targeted parent
* Vilification of the targeted parent
* Interference with time spent with the targeted parent
* Eradication of the targeted parent from the child’s life
* Information gatekeeping
* Interrogation of the alienated child
* Damage to the loving connection with the targeted parent
* Inappropriate disclosure about the targeted parent
* Encouraging child defiance
* Forcing loyalty to the alienating parent
* Encouraging an unhealthy alliance
* Emotional manipulation
* Utilizing outside forces
The parent who alienates utilizes PROCESSES such as adultification, parentification, infantilisation and learned helplessness, learning & programming/brainwashing.
And then the Characteristics of Alienating Parents:
Problematic personality traits
- narcissistic personality traits
- borderline personality traits
- paranoid personality traits
- histrionic personality traits
Cognitive distortions
Externalising unwanted emotions and responsibilities
Explained very well, so thank you, because this article states what I, as a heartbroken Mom, would have taken years to figure out. This summed it up. I'm sharing!
I read through this and while much resonates, it seems like a glaring point was not included. Many children who are forced to spend parenting time with a neglectful, or abusive parent tend to want to distance, and often the protective parent tries to shield this child. It seems then the abusive parent pulls the PA card and then the vicious cycle continues so I would’ve like to read in this piece that that dynamic often is a main theme that gets played out it’s a deflection tool by abusers ( more male). I believe there is empirical data that shows more abusive fathers do this. ( Meier study)
Children are not being forced by family court judges to spend time with abusive "parents" only abusive fathers. It is abusive fathers pulling the PA card and judges falsely accusing mothers of PA. As it says in the article, PA is just a pretext for judges to use to switch custody to abusive fathers.
Thank you so much for posting this. This issue has troubled me for awhile, especially the attacks I’ve seen by otherwise thoughtful leaders against women who dare to even utter the term ‘alienation’. It has always struck me as so counterproductive and sad.
I have seen loads of women attack other women who are alienated from their children for using the term parental alienation. It totally re-victimizes them. Like they haven't suffered enough being cut off from their children and misrepresented as an unfit or abusive mother, to then be attacked for the word that explains what they have experienced or are experiencing.
O yes, Patriarchy and all of its / the World's so - called great religions = which KEEP us withIN the patriarchies ... ... as those of " the family. "
Thank YOU, Ms Dumas and the Women's Coalition
for beginning the fb - page AND ... ...
THE $500,000,000.00 - LAWSUIT ARE DOING.
Dr Blue mAAs
The attorneys that support the parent who is creating the alienation is to blame. Its horrible, unspeakable and I am not sure how they live with themselves.
I enjoy your writing and thoughts but find working together to be a joke. Its all about the money and the shills that use made-up terms like "post-separation domestic violence" are working with the FRA's - follow the grants.
Alienation is theory and treatment. It isolates the child and reprograms them. Simple. They use "experiential therapy" "multimodal intervention" "mileu therapy" "psycho-education" - to me that's what should be talked about. Courts are purposely isolating and reprogramming abused kids - to switch their parental bond.
The DV club is in on it. Joan got over half million dollars for the alienation study and it was written by Dr. Leora Rosen. Joan met with Michael hayes of OCSE to coverup the intentional ignoring of child sexual abuse instructions in 2016 - I have the emails proving such - then her and Rosen got the grant.
There are a ton of DV programs working with father's rights - to produce bogus research and force women to capitulate. Look up Yale Fathers For Change - WTF - DV and drug addiction forcing kids ........
How are you going to work together when you close out valid research?
It's not all about the money. The core cause of the crisis is systemic male entitlement. Those who go along with that family court agenda are rewarded with money, promotions, and other kudos. Grants are given to organizations that do not identify the crisis as systemic discrimination against women, so they continue to mislead mothers about the true cause of the crisis.
Courts are only isolating and programming children who report abuse by fathers, not mothers. The kids don't need reprogramming because the mother never programmed them in the first place. Part of the programming is to trauma bond kids with the father. Judges do this to silence children about abuse by fathers, especially sexual abuse, and get them to agree to live with the father.
Not closing out valid research--it simply doesn't apply. There is no research on systemic male entitlement in family court.
Doreen, Can you share or tell me where I can view these emails you say prove Child abuse was ignored? It appears that you're making a public defaming, accusation here and I'd like to see the evidence you said you have. "The DV club is in on it. Joan got over half million dollars for the alienation study and it was written by Dr. Leora Rosen. Joan met with Michael hayes of OCSE to coverup the intentional ignoring of child sexual abuse instructions in 2016 - I have the emails proving such - then her and Rosen got the grant." Thank you I appreciate it LEM
Page four of the Access/visitation instructions is posted at the end of my writing - before the pics of CRC newsletter.
The emails are in my personal file as well as all six pages of the instructions.
If you want me to share I can be emailed at
I am not defaming I am telling the truth - the shills are working with father's rights and have been since 2001 when they got Greenbook grants. Safety is part of the scam. I embedded links to a few of the DV FR programs in that pedo article - I have more in this one
We all know people can alienate. Whether it is in the work environment, at school, at home or after separation. Instead of using a term like parental alienation, it is probably best to look at all the parental alienating behaviors (PABs) by the preferred parent as a form of child abuse towards the child, and family violence towards the rejected parent. Focusing on the term PA is not helpful as it's just two words and it is often misused (false claims of PA). Instead, paint the picture and explain all the behaviors, tactics and dynamics. I found this list really helpful. Tactics used by parents who alienate:
* Denigration associated with the targeted parent
* Vilification of the targeted parent
* Interference with time spent with the targeted parent
* Eradication of the targeted parent from the child’s life
* Information gatekeeping
* Interrogation of the alienated child
* Damage to the loving connection with the targeted parent
* Inappropriate disclosure about the targeted parent
* Encouraging child defiance
* Forcing loyalty to the alienating parent
* Encouraging an unhealthy alliance
* Emotional manipulation
* Utilizing outside forces
The parent who alienates utilizes PROCESSES such as adultification, parentification, infantilisation and learned helplessness, learning & programming/brainwashing.
And then the Characteristics of Alienating Parents:
Problematic personality traits
- narcissistic personality traits
- borderline personality traits
- paranoid personality traits
- histrionic personality traits
Cognitive distortions
Externalising unwanted emotions and responsibilities
Unable to accept own problems
Abnormal grieving response
Problematic family of origin
Poor relationship history
Desire for control
Desire for vengeance
Curious what your thoughts are around PABs (??)
Explained very well, so thank you, because this article states what I, as a heartbroken Mom, would have taken years to figure out. This summed it up. I'm sharing!
I read through this and while much resonates, it seems like a glaring point was not included. Many children who are forced to spend parenting time with a neglectful, or abusive parent tend to want to distance, and often the protective parent tries to shield this child. It seems then the abusive parent pulls the PA card and then the vicious cycle continues so I would’ve like to read in this piece that that dynamic often is a main theme that gets played out it’s a deflection tool by abusers ( more male). I believe there is empirical data that shows more abusive fathers do this. ( Meier study)
Children are not being forced by family court judges to spend time with abusive "parents" only abusive fathers. It is abusive fathers pulling the PA card and judges falsely accusing mothers of PA. As it says in the article, PA is just a pretext for judges to use to switch custody to abusive fathers.