This problem - of removing children from their protective mothers and giving them to sexual abusers, is all over the Western world. The judges are out of control - they do whatever they want, as there is no monitoring system in place. If judges step outside of their jurisdiction, they lost their immunity and should be investigated and if found guilty - punished. We have two generations of children having experienced grief, trauma and loss of mother, while being sexually, physically, psychologically abused by their fathers. There is a very deep agenda. Family court is a cartel with AFCC pulling the strings.

Why no politicians wants to do anything about it? They are all part of the problem.

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Agree! Family Court is a Cartel. A disgusting display of ego and money. They do so much harm. You literally have to fight to the point of poverty and poor health to gain a glimpse of time with your child if you are the good parent/mother.

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C O M M O N Worldwide: rapists as PATRIARCHS ... ... = ¡ A N G E R I N G !

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I experienced a similar situation. I protested when I reported my ex-husband and his father were sleeping with my 9 year old daughter. She told the guardian ad litem "I feel something hard against my butt." "Temporary Sole custody was awarded to my ex-husband, Kevin Chee (an attorney in Hawaii). This "temporary" arrangement persisted for 9 years. Hearings were postponed and denied by Judge Mark Browning, now Chief Judge of Hawaii Family Court.

Read about my case: 4. Chee v. Chee, 121 Haw. 30, 211 P.3d 88 (Haw. Ct. App. 2009)

(Mother [pro se] lost custody in family court after reporting child sexual abuse by father and paternal grandfather, confirmed by daughter who threatened to kill herself if she was forced to return to her father. Father alleged parental alienation. ICA vacated and remanded family court’s judgement. Custody evaluators: Marvin Acklin, Sue Lehrke, Barbara Shintani. GAL: Kimberly S. Towler.)

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I wish we could take these cases out of the hands of judges. They are ill-qualified to protect our children. They are doing so very much harm.

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