Sep 29Liked by Womens Coalition International

This is a criminal matter....family court is a gong show...and is not equipped in any way to deal with a child that is making these reports and suffering these damages! I am so sorry that this is happening. I also have spent far too much in a corrupt system, over a quarter of a million in the Canadian family court and experienced the same bias and lost custody at one point to the sexual and physically abusive father. My only saving grace is that my children are aging out and the criminal court stepped in on 2 occasions...but the hell we had to go through to get here.... The Manchester University just reported that Judges are siding with sexual abusers...what's their agenda here???. Is there not a governing body that can investigate the family court. If a child reports abuse, bring in experienced sexual abuse and trauma-trained professionals...not judges. Judges are the last people that should ever have a say in any of this...it's not a family issue...it's abuse, coercive control and it's criminal. Let's stop letting the child-abusing, psychopaths run the system. It's time for loving, caring parents to have full rights to protect their children. It's time that the entire misogynistic system be exposed for their corruption. The system is built on shame, blame and control. It must be built on love, support and compassion for survivors of abuse. Rise up survivors of abuse and take your rightful place in this world, unite because we are stronger together and petition the courts, the local and federal governments, with all these cases, evidence, testimonies of abuse and the university study and let's get these pedos/pedo-supporters out of the system once and for all.

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How did you get yours moved to criminal court? If you don’t mind me asking.

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Sep 30Liked by Womens Coalition International

My youngest reported the abuse to the police, they originally weren't going to do anything. I was advised by Victim Services to get my child to the hospital right away. The emergency doctor after seeing the injuries, wrote a report, the doctor also stated in writing that it was not safe for my youngest to return. I went back to the police, requested a new officer, and the response by the new officer once he saw the emergency medical report was "I will loose my job if I don't make the arrest. (Sad that the only motivator seemed to be his job and not a child's safety) The arrest was made, it took almost a year to get to criminal court, and we have bought one more year on a "peace bond" (Canadian law). Family Court can't really touch the matter until after the criminal court deals with it...in our case it's about buying time to stop further abuse and using a hope and a pray to keep going until my youngest child ages out. Fortunately for the older children, they are now adults and do not have to be subjected to the outdated misogynistic rules of the family court and further abuse from the father. But I want to add, I prayed for 3 months, every single day to bring the truth to light...I still pray that, but after 3 months my ex-husband, wrote a very sadistic letter mocking the entire system about how he harmed the children right under the noses of those who should have known how to help, but didn't, he also alluded to extinguishing my and the children's lives. I may never fully understand why he was so bold (or stupid) to put that in writing, but I am glad he did. Finally judges started to see that he manipulated them and their system. I pray that the good judges within the broken system come to the forefront, sometimes it takes a while to find them, but they are there. It took years. What I am really hopeful for others going through similar situations is that the courts identify abuse as abuse and hand the matter over to the criminal system. It should never be a survivor of abuse's duty to have to deal with criminal matters in a system that has no clue how to deal with criminal acts. The police need to do their jobs from the start, so that survivors are not thrown back into more abuse of the abuser and the abuse of the antiquated family court system. Police do not realize their role in this, it has to start with them so that it can be dealt criminally...it is not a family court matter. Period! Sending love and light to you! Thank you for your question.

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Thank you for sharing! And narcs are really not that smart. You just got to wait in them to tell on themselves…. They ALWAYS DO!

Thank you Jesus that you and your lil one are finally in a place of peace and togetherness. I’ll add you to my prayer list.

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And tons of praise to your youngest for telling!!!

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Sep 30Liked by Womens Coalition International

Family court judges endanger children. They do not rule in a child's best interests. Family court judges often give custody to males that request it. They enable abusers. Family court is dominated by patriarchy. Children are considered male property. Facts and evidence don't matter. New laws and training programs won't help. Family court judges seal records to hide their rulings. These records need to be unsealed. Family court judges abuse their power. Children are not safe. They are knowingly put in harmful situations. Family court judges require constant exposure. Their deliberate actions need public attention. Women have no power to protect their children in family court. Family court judges empower males to harm children. They face no consequences. Kids deserve to be safe. Women must continue to come together and fight for a new system. A jury would give women and children a chance at justice. Family court must end.

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We need help in NJ. I’ve been dragged through a system that makes no sense, refuses to fact check and makes godly decisions that are not in anyone’s best interest especially our children. We are asking family courts to protect women and children and they do nothing but enable abusers. My ex is now taking advantage of my breast cancer diagnosis and even when I’ve told the courts this is not a good time, I’m still having to respond to motions and in person hearings. This insanity. We need to put an end to this once and for all.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30Liked by Womens Coalition International

This scenario is EXACTLY what’s happening in Maricopa County, Az before judge Jillian Francis.

The child has a festered laceration within her genitalia and was in so much pain she did not want to urinate.

The court issued an order THE DAY AFTER the pedo petitioner filed his motion for modification. The court ordered 2 hours, 2x a week of supervised visits at $60 hr.

The Judge issued her ruling with (still) open investigations within DCS and the Sheriff’s Dept, she had not received the medical reports, and ignored the fact four (4) medical providers and a social worker (who was part of the hospital’s safety team) ALL called in and reported suspicions of CSA. The Judge also set the hearing giving 5 days - 3 business days to prepare for the hearing, and ensuring the medical providers could not be subpoenaed, she also allowed even with objections filed “unbiased” detective to testify without his final report nor his release of the forensic interview. The Detective called the following day after the hearing, with an accusatory tone, demanding an explanation from the respondent/mom with the 3rd version of the pedo petitioner’s explanation of the child’s injury. Further, petitioner did not file the medical report, only its labs as his supporting evidence. A DCS Rep also testified in support of the pedo petitioner even though she had NOT ONCE performed a single in home visit nor had met with or spoke to respondent/mom/reporter.

Through the ENTIRETY of this matter, “judge” has violated mom/reporter’s civil rights to due process, rejected all disclosures and testimony of a forensic interviewer testifying, in graphic detail, what the child told her. The pedo petitioner also lied on stand as to his extensive criminal history.

He is gang affiliated, and his arrest charges over a span of 20 years (he got smarter with concealing his illegal activities during the past 10 years due to being on probation for over 5+ years). His arrest charges include: fighting, animal abuse, concealed firearm possession (multiple arrests and charges), possession with the intent to sell “deadly” drugs and an illegal marijuana grow lab (30+ plants). He also lied about: the DV, and partaking in the sex trade industry as an owner/operator (pimp) of an escort service; his convicted felon status; and his monthly income (which the judge used WITHOUT going over paystubs and calculated child support due to him $984 a mth. Before a DIFFERENT hearing officer for the child support his income was calculated to be approx $7000 more a mth than his testimony, reducing respondents /mom’s court ordered support by more than approx $400 a mth per legal guidelines).

The judge said his criminal history didn’t matter because it was over 10 years ago. The judge also said there’s no proof of DV despite a medical record (the abuse was brutal and violent send therefore not reported) from 2 neurologists examinations due to residual symptoms of traumatic head injury, and 3 sworn affidavits from respondents’ mother and 2 adult children describing in detail just a few incidents of DV they witnessed and abuse inflicted on them by pedo petitioner.

There’s no justice or protection for the 6 year old. And there’s no way mom can afford the $10,000 plus retainer amount she’s been quoted by several attorneys. And don’t even get me started about mom’s attorney who took all her money, didn’t even finish discovery, refused to turn over her file (took 3 weeks to get) and when she finally got her “file” it consisted of an an excel spreadsheet of emails and calls. There was not a single hard copy or Pdf of any: communications; docs received, or a SINGLE note, Case law, or research ( WORK PRODUCT) for a single hearing; and her “atty” also had no idea of where the thumb drives produced by the pedo petitioner were at. And I won’t go into the representation during the multiple hearings by this “atty”,

This is an absolute nightmare. And the child is ONLY 6 years old. She has at least another 8 years to pick the parent she wants to live with, and another 11/12 years before she’s 18 yo.

There’s so much more to what’s been going on…this is a very small view into this custody nightmare.

This woman and her baby need help. And she keeps being told “no.” Is it going to take full blown rape and beatings involving broken ribs, black eyes and head trauma before she’ll qualify for help?

It’s heartbreaking that this is even happening.

Excuse typos and grammatical errors

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Oct 1Liked by Womens Coalition International

Words will never be able to express the truly horrific nature of this.

I am so sorry, Ria. I am glad you have others that have witnessed your babygirl’s experience too, so you can hold onto knowing that you are not crazy; that thing we all get labeled. Keep holding onto that and please, please know you are not alone. And that you DO know the truth.

This WILL come to an end soon; we must hold onto our faith. Our maimed babes will be back in our arms and we will point them onward into their healing journeys. And we will ALL heal from this torture.

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The officials who have gone rogue - that have KNOWINGLY, willingly, participated in the ongoing abuse of a child/children, by their negligence should have severe, life changing consequences too, such as:

1. Loss of licensing if they used it to help or legally bound the child with the their pedo abuser(s) (attorneys, judges, social workers, etc.)

2. There should be a specific federal registry that is legally required to disclose if they’re on it, titled “I helped pedos and abusers hurt children LEGALLY”

This will prevent posers from ever working in any type of child protection capacity.

3. The judge’s and child safety assigned case manager, etc., who award custody to the pedo, despite being provided reports, child disclosures, expert witness testimony, etc. should be:

A. Removed/terminated from the bench or the dept of child services

B. Be disbarred, lose of licensure if they knowingly, willingly, negligently and blatantly assisted the pedo - abusers with their abuse of a child/ren

C. Be ordered jail time for the same length of time EACH child was in the abuser’s custody WITH additional jail time, by hourly increments, of the reporting parent/guardian of their lost time and was unable to protect the child

D. Be required to pay an obscene amount of restitution to cover future mental health expenses, for a lifetime, for each and every child they vicariously abused with their rulings/actions.

E. Publicly apologize to the non-abuser for their part in that individual’s defamation and assassination of their character.

They’ve made slumlords live in their rentals…why shouldn’t these individuals be required to live like the kids have had to?

These rogue judges and officials need some skin in the game. I bet they won’t be in such of a rush to ignore evidence and valid witness testimony if there were any of the consequences I suggested above were in place.

It keep those lying folks under closer scrutiny too….

Excuse my typos and grammatical errors

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I’ve been suffering in the same county in NJ! This is insane!

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