Women and children don't have a chance in family court. Systemic male entitlement dominates family court. Existing laws don't matter. Well-intentioned new laws won't make a positive difference. A new system is needed. Family court judges must lose their abusive power and women must gain power. Civil court will give women and children a chance.

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G E N D E R E D THIS HORROR IS: T H I S needs to be C L E A R.

NO " neutrality " IN our words, understanding and dealings hereof.

NO " impartiality " IN our words, understanding and dealings hereof.

The Custody Crisis is the epidemic WORLDWIDE of judges switching

custody of children from good, loving mothers

TO violent, controlling, abusive and self - serving fathers.

There is NO epidemic of judges switching custody

from good, loving fathers

to violent, controlling, abusive and self - serving mothers.




¡ A N D NOOOO SILENCE ! IN our words, understanding and dealings hereof.

The haunting and gripping TRUTHS:

e v e r y t h i n g IN the World's Patriarchy parses down,

e v e r y t h i n g does, ... ... to c o n t r o l l i n g

us disobedient and uppity and WIKKED ... ... wimminz.

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Yes! This!! I have been saying this for several years. It becomes clear that new laws are not the answer when we look at domestic violence laws. Abusers do not follow the law. They are not afraid of breaking the law. They know that the court will not enforce the law and that the police officers who respond to abuse calls usually do not know the laws at all. More laws just means less likelihood of enforcement due to the inability of the involved parties to know the laws. Without substantial changes to the everyday dialogue regarding women and the cultural beliefs about women and men and their rights within society, there will be no changes and the abuses will continue.

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💯 mothers are tried in the court of the judges opinion and sentenced to life without parole in order to inflict cruel and unusual punishment on the taxpayer time without remorse and without conscience they are as #pureEVIL as the DADistic, $@tan-whorshipping priests who raped children with immunity and impunity; here and abroad, and often assisted by the disordered women who were sentenced to lives of patriarchal slavery such as the ones overlooking the Magdalene laundries. Devils Back To Hell!

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Sign me up. I’ll leave my life that has been contorted over the past 4 years for a genuine, real life devoid of gaslighting bullshit meant to deplete me of the primary bond that I share with my amazing f beautiful little girls and boy!

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Brilliant! Every f****** word a truth bomb. And just wait 'till Probate if a woman stands to inherit they will medically kidnap your parent, call you crazy falsify your records hide evidence sabotage every place you would have safety privacy income and defense and isn't this a racket lawyers capitalize on and put their kids into private school taking them on biannual European vacations when that should have been what you were able to do with your family even as a single mother, when you have the opportunity to be a Protective Daughterer the same demonic vultures descend and just do more of the same kicking US in the proverbial c***. The Bar Association is a woman-hating #cult.

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I want to hug you. My journey includes what you describe in probate court but against my oldest daughter and I out of another state. It’s so insanely dub our case that my trust in humanity has been lost.

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Yeah. Judge case-fixed with my former stalkeŕ stepdaughter and her wealthy connected Ca. family after county hired her as COUNTY COUNSEL! She had zero to do with my parents' estate. Judge tried to evict me FROM MY OWN HOUSE. Twice. Same way her dad got me evicted from any rental I set up w/kids after leaving/suing him. I moved out of state. They did it remotely/covertly. Denied me due process. Took every penny then put a lien on my name for daring to show up bytelephone and ince in person when he told the court that Elder woman could be "burned out" of her house after I beat the illegal boot effort. Of course my mom had dementia so could not defend herself or her trust or her only daughter. No issue that former stepdaughter moved to my mother's town laying in wait for her to die from 2007 to 2015. She set up her real estate/eviction law firm in the historic little house my mother worked out of when I was a school girl. These people are the SCUM of the Earth operating in plain sight RICO-violating private mercenaries for anyone who will grease their palm and in my case grease their palm with my own money to act out their psychopathic mobster-vendetta because sore losers. I had court orders for that entire family to stay away from us so they went to work for the government. God Bless America and Sharia law. Hug *

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Let’s rise up together and place calls to our judges. I am freaking over this oppression and forced sadness.

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I would not recommend calling the judges they put you on speaker phone they have their clerks in the room that do all their dirty work for them and then they go about erasing all your complaints setting up the flying monkeys to torment You Until the End of Days they don't care that's what women need to understand they don't care they know exactly what's going on they are the orchestrators of it they are working for the higher-ups in the Catholic Church HHS all those gather annually at Bohemian Grove they hate women they want us in our place rape is their fantasy in their world it is sacrament and the worst punishment to inflict on a woman besides cutting her up in front of her own is doing it to her child better learn this because there is no recourse unless we can get the public on board

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This is what I mean. Same here...abusive husband with overly stalker charges that his home court judge bodyguard called in to defeat in a court that we and I never lived in. It’s a bulk shit rigged system and my ex is a no money loser who just has a new girlfriend who makes enough 69k type thing and can’t have kids.

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There is a Playbook and I know someone who told me all about it and MRA Elder who counsels men how to totally f*** over via torture the women who stood up to them and dared to take the kids to protect them from their drunken drug addict Man baby dangerous Behavior which is our job and by law which gets overlooked

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Happy to see that this group recognizes that no new laws will make any difference. But sad to see that the bigger picture is Still being missed. This has little to do with the "patriarchy" which is something that exists in every communist, Muslim, African, Indian cultures etc. This is about MONEY and a Corrupt DOJ intent on destroying families while getting rich. What better way to do this then by taking children from their mothers. Worse California almost just passed a law that would've endanger children, so Children are just Pawns in a much Bigger agenda. Until the Women's Coalition starts to open their eyes to the Globalist agenda we will continue to push a Giant Boulder up a very Steep hill. We are in the midst of an historic time.

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The taking of children from good mothers and giving them to abusive fathers is not fundamentally about money. Court actors who empower mothers to keep their children do not make money. They lose it. That is why there are very few who zealously advocate for mothers and most sell them out because that is how they get money and status.

Money is just the reward for those who go along to get along with the patriarchal agenda. It is another rabbit hole: Down the Money Rabbit Hole: https://womenscoalition.substack.com/p/down-the-money-rabbit-hole

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Absolutely happen to me my best friend from grade school became an attorney and thought he was going to be able to waltz right in and take care of things for me during my battle for full custody no contact but through the fight at the last minute and difference to the good old boys club and when his amazing smarter woman in the world law partner took over and was not afraid to tell the truth about what she saw was happening she was disbarred so he threw the fight then he had her disbarred for embarrassing him even at my expense even though he knew if the judge took my infant and gave her to little Lord Fauntleroy trust funder from a Berkeley Placerville mayor family fortune he would have killed her and then come for me and my other daughter and doesn't his father the mayor of Danville California sit at the bar for 40 something years and sing Tenor and going back and forth to Ireland from where this b******* began in my life Generations ago to make sure that the motherland and Irish American attorneys carry the torch and hide the bodies when women like his wife don't go to work for decades when he does nothing but Diddle and pontificate and act holier than thou as he raises his sons up to be f****** entitled misogynist assholes I mean pillars of the community that I'm sure will become judges someday mark my words

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Oh my gosh can we not just as women rise the eff up? Seriously. I’m supposed to be happy that I was given an evidentiary hearing when the political and real estate connected judge in my case entitled me to an evidentiary hearing after she ignored the law and waited to rule against me while my ex was under child abuse investigation, over a year after her witch hunt at me trial concluded. It’s all ducking nonsense. Illinois law is a shall not rule in custody matters within 60 days. Ha. Haha. Hahaha. Ha. Fucking bullshit. How about everyone flood this judge’s office with calls and I shall do the same fir you.

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My uncle and Godfather was a juvenile court judge in Rockford

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Wow…any advice, for real then as it pertains to the area? My ex has been arrested and prosecuted, and there’s a restraining order (civil) out of Chancery Court of a different state. He’s related to the entire enabling county. I have found so many thought shall (that didn’t) and improper conflicts of interest that I feel like I can’t even breathe with how they have put my daughter in danger with me not being able to protect her, This is outside the fact that I haven’t seen her in over a year after he essentially kidnapped her via fraud. I’m dying inside. I just want to be a mom to my 7 month old miracle child in the midst of this nonsensical charade…but my heart aches for my first born who is so confused I’m sure why she hasn’t been rescued yet. you’re familiar with around North Central Illinois. Sorry for my typos in my other comment…typing too fast.! I am only now unraveling the reality behind the false spin lies that led to the initial it’s a cluster if I’m using niceties.

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I just reread your post. Yes, yes, yes. Even if it is seemingly impossible to stop this set up as some say, then it just means I’m going to dig in harder because I can’t not fight to get my kidnapped daughter back (who alleged abuse prior to being absconded from me and her primary family). So good ole boys or not…whatever I’m up against, It’s a begrudgingly, “Here we go!” as I won’t ever abandon her or not fight this “what the hell is even going on…makes no sense” madness bestowed upon us. There is a dichotomy to counties even and states definitely (imo) to how much they see the bullshit fir what it really is. Done actually do see it. The better ones at least try to stand up and fight against it/see logic that points decision making toward a, regular world of “at least try to hold a criminal accountable”. That’s just my experience…even when I felt everybody coulda still tried more a little harder. That’s just my experience as I’m going through hell, for what it’s worth. Still, the shenanigans have more power and that it is hella disheartening as I’ve experienced too much of the prior referenced “that’s donkey balls crazy” thing to not realize it’s me against a mountain of fabricated bs. It Durant even have to be believable bs to hold cred amongst the crooks and cronies weaving a new world (of my life, for me/but not me…in a way that no matter how detailed I have laid a map ti follow it gets bent by these storytelling bullies selling to alleviate any guilt that accidentally brushed against their actual perpetrator/abuser self. Argh-I digress though.

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This is false. MOTHERS LOSING CUSTODY WORLDWIDE is N O T about the $dosh$.

O sure, plenty of money is thrown around and consumed by COURT - TAKERS, but

t h a t is true in any litigation's case. N O T in those in re the custody of mothers' babes though.

ANYWHERE in the 21st Century's World: there is NOOOO EPIDEMIC

/ NOOOO CRISIS whereby CHILDREN initially made from sperm sources

are being A P R O V E C H A R - STOLEN and T A K E N ENTIRELY AWAY

/ H I D D E N AWAY from those sperm sources ... ...


( Along with the mothers' BETRAYING sycophants of enablers. )

ZERO. NADA. ZIP. ZILCH. THAT is N O T happening.

THAT is NOT happening ... ... ANYWHERE.


BY WAY OF, W O R L D W I D E, ... ... " family " " law " courts



Is N O T about the $. Eyeballs WIDE OPEN ... ... OVER ~12,000 years' time,


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I think her eyes are good and open

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As a licensed clinical social worker and mother whose kids were ripped from me as we were shredded by Family Court, I just wrote and published the correct assessment and treatment protocols that need to be implemented to protect children. I call out the malpractice, abuse, and lawlessness operating these systems with final piece=> abolishment of Family Court


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As a phd scientist who has analyzed what happened by the data over the past years-yes. The false slanted or fabricated petitions and bullshit is what allowed it. Like duh, child alleged abuse and ex files 50+ court things to take our daughter and give it to his well earning new girlfriend who can’t have kids. My states I loved in were like, duh...abusive. His po dunk derelict tone was all like...maybe he’s a reformed loser battling his out to get him ex wife. Mmmmk...since we e been divorced for 3 years already. His dies a person trick a person into allowing them to like redivorce you? Skewi f all the facts of why you I itisly left and labeling you as a cheater even though the original divorce decree from another judge 2 years prior paints the correct picture of you divorced your abusive bullshit ex husband?

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This is kind of hard to follow but part of the Playbook as was told to me by an MRA operative was to get a new girlfriend to raise your young child you plan on ripping from her own mother around 4 years old is the time frame when they can feed themselves use the bathroom they're out of diapers sleep through the night and can be put in daycare or preschool and that's what he did and that's what he counsels other Pricks to do who want to f*** indefinitely with their Ex-Wives for calling them out and kicking him to the curb and don't the judges just love to let them even though he punched her in the f****** face domestic violence is fun and games and a real money maker it does not belong in family court but there it is I had 42 stitches and was knocked out cold not a second in jail the hospital released me to him and the judge just ignored that like he ignored all the arrests and violence and drug abuse in his past they actually hired him as a drug counselor while he was actively using and then while he was dating a teenager at 50 years old who eventually got pregnant and ran this routine on also ciis gave him a marriage and family counseling license so he could become a Boyer even bragging that

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Become a professional voyeur that is bragging that his favorite clients were the young women with sexual problems and in their underground MDMA practice his favorite Date Rape of choice that he would traffic while he was counseling to college towns up and down the West Coast he got the gig as trip sitter where he would actually lay hands on women who are high as a kite and in his own words admit that it was towards getting them to orgasm so ciis gave him a marriage and family counseling license so he could become a covert sexual surrogate Scott Rogers Shafsky. After reporting him to DHS and the child support services department one of their woman hating female employees actually said to me well you married him but actually I strategically married him in order to have more clout at custody court because he also drugged me and that's how it happened yes that's how it happened and the state of California gave him a license to keep doing it took me 19 years and my own money to get back child support that the state of Oregon then tried to keep from me almost $20,000 in total because it's interstate this woman hating mother f****** agenda

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Please join the American Constitution Society. Bunch of liberal lawyers.

There's a chance some of the younger ones were abused by this family court system of coverture.

They are asking for topics and speakers. I would suggest Gillian Friedmann "Fatal Court", Deseret News (2019). She's now a law student. Also Joan Meier who did a federally funded study on the fallacy of Parental Alienation, a theory created by a patriarchal pedophile and with no evidentiary studies or peer review. Parental Alienation was promoted and funded by right wing patriarchal foundations beginning twenty or so years ago. Social scientists who are not scientists use it to discredit mothers' competent testimony in family courts around the nation.

First, support courts' adjudication of the criminal unfitness of fathers (who rape their children and beat their wives), before custody i.e.access is decided.

In what world are criminal sex offenders allowed to have access to their child victims? Custody = access.

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The Rockefellers started the United Nations

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Exactly what happened to me!! Ex husband has a criminal record of assault, battery (didn’t know until after we were married and kids) and domestic violence( on me).. I don’t have a record. I was a good mom. Two therapists testified that my children had been brainwashed, by coercive control, fear and “cult like tactics.” Judge stated in court order. Children without a doubt show behaviors of being severely alienated!!” Found my ex in contempt 4 times, but did nothing. Let my ex take them against the court order. By not enforcing his own order!!!!! Ex got them new cell phones against court order blocked me on the home phone. I don’t have their new phone number. It has been 4 years since I have spoken/seen my twins!!! Devastated!!!

Even had to fight false allegations of child abuse 2 times.. THEY WERE ALL DEEMED UNFOUNDED!!!! Thanks to the two original therapists!!! I count my blessings everyday that I was able to escape. My guilt and shame comes from not being able to protect my children from him.

I am sorry for all Moms going through this. Much love, hugs and prayers!

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The closing line is almost wild in anticipation. I can’t imagine losing my child. I lost a child in my second trimester (illegal at the time-he had a letter delivered in a closed envelope that they needed for this I heard and connected to afterwards) by a young man never having the right to a decision to a late abortion when tricked to the appointment with drugs and force. That’s bad enough and hard to believe in this day and age that this happens even 45 years later. Then I read these articles such as this one and can feel the frustration to this situation still running with my child 27 years ago to avoid this. ❤️🤗

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It seems to me that until it is accepted that Nature knows what she is doing in entrusting women with children and children with mothers, we are arguing on false premises. Children do not belong equally with fathers and mothers; they belong with mothers; fathers need to earn the right to be with children. If mothers for some reason lose custody, there is no reason why fathers should gain it.

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Ugh. I'm so so sorry. If he's connected like mine was they'll protect themselves first. Form a team. Especially for the baby's safety. Then gather ALL witnesses. Or if they won't stand up for you be prepared to subpoena them. Find a news media outside if you can.. I couldn't(Judges/lawyers own them). Do background checks. Cost 35. bucks for a month.. Been Verified. See connections if any. Check EVERYONE who's touched this case. Connect dots. Get a dog and dowels for your windows. My Healthcare was captured. Law enforcement engaged to stalk me. The Bar protects bad lawyers. The Fed same bad gov't agencies/employees. Check them... their financial interests. Hire a P.I. not a lawyer. Keep a diary. When time is right expose them. I will pray for your big girl. Stay here for your kids. You never know the future you may have with them both. Good luck. Try to get some good sleep. It's the medicine right now.

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If we want power...then let’s fucking rise up!

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Per usual you call "a spade a spade," & I very much appreciate your articles. I just forwarded this article to founder/pres. of NCFJ (I'm founder/Exec. Dir. of their advisory bd in charge of public outreach- which I've done almost daily for over 2 decades, including personal meetings.... I'm very familiar with legal manipulation due to 1st 23yr marriage to high-level atty; I've also been an activist re many topics, starting innocently at 10, at which time my mother also got masters in teaching emotionally disturbed kids- & I attended some of classes when schedules didn't jive; she used to say- "Give me a short while in class & I can tell who are kids of divorce without being told." I've noted that often, but always add it doesn't mean all kids of divorce become emotionally disturbed, though none emerge unscathed.) I've long argued for need for SYSTEMIC legal reform, noting paternalism at core (practiced even by some females, including some female judges). While I agree with 99% of what you write, my only suggestion is to endeavor to get some of those paternalists on our side by findings ways to get them to personalize. Consider stating that little boys get ordered into abusive custody, too, which often turns them into dysfunctional adults in wide array of ways. ETC. Re females- Fear of abusive custody &/or being treated very unfairly re $ in divorce has turned increasing #s vs marriage &/or having kids. ETC, ETC. Bottom line- few dispute that we need & want each other, as long as in at least fairly decent relationship, but doing things to further divide us increasingly makes society more dysfunctional. I'm just scared for the future of all our kids & grandkids since EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED, hence serious issues are compounding! AS for reports that population is declining in various places, the use of averages can be very misleading, since fundamentalists (many part of the Far Right, increasingly gaining control of gov't, etc) have very high births starting young & high indoctrination starting young, & that paired with most of rest of us having fewer kids, often starting late & far less indoctrination is a recipe for disaster in the not-too-distant future, though I'm clueless re how to stem fundamentalist influence (they are supreme paternalists, too). I definitely agree that training judges, etc., etc. is inadequate, though some surely good idea & will help, but training died-in-the-wool paternalism (& worse) out of anyone is probably next to impossible.

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I hope you will also include the rights of trans widows, women who left abusive, narcissistic and often violent men who use women's clothing as a cloak for their sexual fetishes. Many of us have been coerced by the pharma-propped judiciary to have "equal" joint custody of our traumatized children, with the man who narcissistically and sometimes physically abused us. There are no provisions for the children to have developmentally appropriate therapy, and typically the mothers are blamed for any signs of stress in the children. In my case, the "PhD sexologist" who diagnosed my then husband in one day submitted a 6 page sworn affidavit into our custody case, claiming exactly that. Let's use the information we trans widows can supply to help all mothers. YouTube channel, Trans Widow Ute Heggen, for 53 profiles.

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It's all the same

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