Brody, an American pop singer originally from Australia, finally spoke out publicly this week about her children being stolen from her via Family Court. Unfortunately, she’s been misled into thinking what happened to her was due to gender-neutral corruption.
It’s important to cover these stories to support mothers, but, more importantly, to raise awareness with the public as to the real reason there is an epidemic of women being devastated custodially and financially via Family Court. The cases need to be discussed in the context of the Post-Separation Crisis.
But first, Brody’s story.
Brody has survived much adversity in her life. She was sexually assaulted more than once as a young teen in Australia. After winning a lawsuit related to one of the assaults, she left for the U.S. to pursue her musical career.
Her first husband was seriously controlling and when she left him, he went on to personally (as opposed to via Family Court) destroy her and her career. She picked herself up and became a hit singer, soon marrying her next husband with whom she had a long marriage and three children. She was their primary bond and caregiver.
Then, as they say, all hell broke loose. She entered the Post-Separation Nightmare.
Brody filed for and was granted a Restraining Order against her ex after he physically assaulted her. She reported being terrified of him. He retaliated by filing a frivolous Restraining Order against her, a common abuser power move.
Over the years, Brody reported her ex’s abuse of herself and her three children to law enforcement, child protective services and Family Court. At first she was granted sole custody, but it went downhill soon after that, as is often the case.
Her oldest child, then a teenager, filed for a Restraining Order in which she described abuse by her father. The RO was granted and later extended. The teen attempted to add her two younger brothers to it, but was denied. She claims in the application that her father “abuses them physically and emotionally with flicks to the ear, put-downs, threats against their mother [and her boyfriend] and groping of the boys’ privates”.
All three children were very clear that their father was abusive and they wanted to live with their mother. When the children refused to go on a visit with their father, the judge found Brody in contempt, saying she “willfully” kept the five-year old from his father, but that the older children had decided on their own not to visit him. She was threatened with jail. No mention that the abuse the children had reported could be the cause, not to mention they should not have to visit their identified abuser.
In February of last year, Brody was granted a 3 year Restraining Order protecting herself, but apparently not her children. She reported that, along with other emotional and physical abuse, he had talked about wanting to kill her.
Only weeks after she received the DVRO (domestic violence restraining order), a Family Court judge granted the father “temporary” sole custody of all three children. Granting “temporary” custody is a common ploy used by judges to facilitate the switching of custody permanently to the father.
At some point the children were reportedly subjected to “reunification therapy”, which is portrayed by judges as a cure for alienated children, but is really to coerce children to recant abuse and comply with living with the father. Isolating children from their mother is the first step in mind control: brainwashing and alienating children. It is the ultimate male power—to be able to destroy, or damage greatly, the bond between mother and child.
Brody’s ex not only still has sole custody, but a judge granted a Restraining Order prohibiting her from seeing her children at all.
This is punishment for reporting what [the children] said, for trying to protect [them]. I tried to make [the abuse] stop for a year and a half, until they refused. to. go. [I] Testified. Begged. Pleaded. Sobbed.
This complete excision of her children from her life led up to speaking out about the horrific injustice she is experiencing.
She is in pain from this brutal form of torture being inflicted on her—as are countless other mothers around the world.
I’m fucking broken. This has shattered me into a thousand pieces. For a long time, I couldn’t get out of bed. I contemplated what the point of going on was. I’ve been filled with so much pain and fear for so long. No one can sustain that state. No one should ever [have to].
But she continues the fight—as do countless other mothers around the world.
I let it go. I released it. I found the ladder of light. Get the fuck up and fight for your life. For them. Always.
Sadly, as is described in her social media posts, Brody, like so many mothers, has been misled as to why she is experiencing this terrible injustice.
When mothers enter the Family Court nightmare, they often search online for explanations and support. Unfortunately, they will come across a ton of misinformation about what the crisis is, why it is happening, and what would end it. Especially when the mother is famous or otherwise high profile, this is a major problem, as the misinfo is then spread widely by MSM to the general public.
Brody states that the problem is “money, greed and corruption” in a “27 billion dollar per year industry”. This is the gender-neutral “cottage industry” explanation that does not hold water upon closer examination.
She says in Family Court you are “punished, pointed at, lied about, laughed at, ridiculed, shamed, berated and made an example of because no one gave you the [cottage industry] script”. Brody goes on to say this injustice is happening to thousands of other “protective parents”.
These are the gender neutral talking points promoted by the protective/safe parent industry that is purportedly campaigning against the cottage industry they claim is causing the crisis.
This counter-industry has exploded in the last decade, with slick, multi-level-like marketing tactics being employed by PR professionals on social media to suck mothers in. And the “cottage industry” is not the only thing being mischaracterized by these groups. Parental alienation, reunification therapy, “high conflict” divorce approaches, and other Family Court topics are also being misrepresented as gender neutral.
Further irony is that while exploiting mothers almost exclusively, this protective/safe parent industry is actually helping to fuel the cottage industry by diverting mothers away from fighting the true cause of the crisis—systemic sexism. It is not in their interest to actually end the crisis, because if it ends, so does their business.
The claim that the crisis is being caused by generic, gender-neutral corruption, is not supported by facts or evidence, nor by the history of the crisis. In fact, the cottage industry now surrounding Family Court sprouted up long after the Post-Separation Crisis reared its ugly head, showing that it is a symptom, not the cause of the crisis. This is highlighted in our History of the Custody Crisis series.
The “cottage industry” misinfo is explained in depth in: Down the Money Rabbit Hole.
The fish rots from the head. The problem is from the top down, not the bottom feeders up.
The OBN [Old Boy Network] is in charge and judges follow their lead if they want to maintain or gain status, power and money. The OBN’s primary agenda is empowering men in the family both pre- and post-separation. If women know they will lose custody and be devastated financially after leaving, men have power to keep them trapped. They are not able to separate from them in the first place—a win-win for men.
So, as long as judges have the power to do the Old Boys’ bidding—to empower and entitle men after separation—women are screwed. The only way to stop judges from taking women’s children and devastating them financially is to take that power away.
Fighting for laws named after murdered women and children will not make a difference, nor will any new laws within the Family Court system. An entirely new system is needed. Family Court needs to be dismantled. Post-Separation cases must be heard in a regular civil court, where judges do not have near-absolute power.
And the only way women will have the power to implement a new, just system is to unite as women, as a class, as half the population. Join Women’s Coalition International to support fighting for a new system.
A goal of The Women’s Coalition is to dispel the rampant misinformation circulating around all sides of the crisis and replace it with the truth. We will be hosting focus groups and Q & A’s to help women understand better why it is systemic sexism that is causing the crisis and how that can be stopped. Hopefully women who get it will join us in helping other women and the media get it...
To that end, we are organizing activists in a new group: Sisters in Solidarity. If you’d like to join us, please read the article Sisters in Solidarity": Empowering Women Post-Separation and fill out this form.
If you have spare time to devote to the cause and want to become a Sister Aide, please fill out this form.
Thanks to everyone who’s already signed up for Sisters in Solidarity. We will be organizing our first get togethers next month. Watch this page for updates.
You may also support the Coalition’s work through a one-time or recurring contribution through PayPal.
I appreciate, Ms Dumas, your eloquently delineating for US of the NONcustodial MASSES of MOTHERS this ... ... MUCKING MISINFORMATION.
WHY THIS CRISIS ? = PATRIARCHY in " family " " law " W O R L D W I D E.
Brody and many others have been misled into believing the injustice in family court is from gender-neutral corruption. This distraction serves a purpose. It steers people away from the reality of what is really occurring in family court. It dilutes and drains individuals and groups. It weakens women and strengthens men. This gaslighting must stop. The fog of war that mothers are staggering through must begin to lift. Misdirected actions do not bring about change. New laws do no good when judges do not follow them and face no consequences. Injustice in family court is due to systemic male entitlement. The old boys' network must no longer be able to function as a puppet master. Family court judges must be stripped of their power, and we must establish a new system. This is the only way to protect mothers and children post-separation. Gender-neutral corruption does not rule family court. Patriarchy dominates family court.