Women’s Coalition News & Views is a regular newsletter/column about the Custody Crisis launched on 12/12/21.

Unless otherwise noted, all newsletters and columns are written by Cindy Dumas, M.A., Founder and Executive Director of The Women’s Coalition, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

Subscriptions are free, but please consider supporting The Women’s Coalition’s efforts to expose, explain and end the Custody Crisis with a paid subscription at only $5/month, $50/year, or become a founding member for $200. You may also make a donation through PayPal.

Your support is always appreciated.

What is the Custody Crisis?

The Custody Crisis is the epidemic of Family Court judges switching custody from loving mothers to controlling, vengeful, or abusive exes. For more information on what exactly the custody crisis is and our proposed solution, see: The Custody Crisis: Why It’s Happening and How We Can End It.

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By subscribing, you won’t have to worry about missing anything important that happens in the world of mothers trying to maintain custody and protect their children in family courts all over the world. Every column goes directly to your inbox when it is published.

Be Part of the Substack Coalition

By subscribing, you will be part of a community of women who are uniting to gain the power necessary to demand post-separation cases are heard in regular civil courts with a jury so judges will not have the power to take and endanger our children.

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You can be part of a global dialogue about the Custody Crisis by sharing, liking, and commenting on the posts.

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The Women's Coalition website: www.WomensCoalitionInternational.org

Reach us through the Contact page on our website or at womenscoalitionintl@gmail.com

Subscribe to Women's Coalition News & Views

Women's Coalition News & Views is dedicated to exposing the systemic sexism in Family Court causing the Post-Separation Crisis of women being devastated financially & custodially.


Women's Coalition International is dedicated to exposing the systemic sexism in family courts around the world causing the Post-Separation Crisis: women losing custody, being unable to protect their children, and being financially devastated.